Sunday 23 December 2018

The week of food before Christmas

I realised that many photos these days are of Yu. Perhaps he's the smallest. Perhaps he's the cutest of them three at this point in time. Coz he's the smallest. Haha!

Baby drinking soup out of a bowl about the width of his face

While watching TV?? Can't remember...

These days, he would wear underwear over diapers sometimes!

And he insisted on wearing pants by himself, with some success

The only boy to fully utilise this $60 toy

So I had a lazy start to the weekend, as documented by Kai or Yang!!

Probably Yang coz he was the better photographer! He did a cool shot under the drying rack!

The said cool shot. Perhaps the mama is biased :p

Kai finished his half udon and some tempura for dinner - I was happy!

Yang had three tamago sushi and a chawanmushi - I see potential there for Japanese food! Yu didn't want the tamago and split out the rice. His potential is in meat - he had a lot of my katsu! We figured that there was no point getting kids' meal coz they didn't eat half of it! Better to order regular stuff and share among them.

My baby finished his cone shortly after Yang - not bad! But we killed a lot of trees...

Both boys had no drips, yeah! But Yang's kissed the wall *.*

What Papa was doing...

... while Mama was happily snapping pictures!

Decided to bring the boys out for breakfast today. We were a little bit early for Yakun but someone was in the queue! So I told them to play scissors paper stone while I went to queue too - kiasu but I know my boys are impatient! And sure enough, they soon followed me to the queue.

Bored with playing after a short while..

Food came quickly coz we were the first to order toast! I ordered three sets of toast and a set of steamed bread. I had all the steamed bread and half a slice of toast. Yu had half of a half slice of toast. Kai and Yang finished the rest!!!

Toast and Milo are likely their fave breakfast food

"Not for me... Except the Milo!"

By then Yu had pooped! And he was running about the seating area and the nearby ATM area.

Got Kai to watch Yu...

... while I sat with Yang - he usually eats quite slowly...

I must pat myself on the back for handling three for a meal all on my own - achievement unlocked, yeah!! I considered bringing them grocery shopping but since Yu pooped, I had my excuse to do it on my own :p

We also had our first coffeeshop dinner on our own, no helper :) Our nearest coffeeshop has good food and a playground where the boys had fun while Sito got the food. The boys with their matching shirts drew attention from the coffeeshop staff. The boys were cute too :p

Kai wiping his hands while Papa was telling Yang to finish his noodles

Food aside, we also managed quite a bit of active time this weekend. The boys biked - they have new bikes! - and scooted and swam besides going to the playground.

They went to the deep pool today!

Yang didn't have alone time and the coach forgot his shirt so no pictures of Yang in the deep pool...

Papa and Yu had fun too!

A moment of brotherly love, awww...

Once swimming lesson started, I dashed upstairs to get my first butter cake out of the oven. My mixture seemed to have curdled or it was just not creamy coz I used coarse sugar and no electric mixer?? It was also cooked earlier than expected and cracked and too brown.

But it was yummy!!!!!

Our snack in bed just now :p

Oops, I circled back to food :p I'm planning to cook for Christmas this time. Feeling a little lazy now and may skip the roast chicken, especially since I saw only kampung chicken at the supermarket today.. I need a fat chick!

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