Monday 14 February 2022

Talk about losing weight..

Found a draft on losing weight dated 9 Apr 2013 - 2013!!! Read through and agree with one line: 

Losing weight is not simply about exercise or about reducing intake. It's about discipline - to eat moderately.

I was only in primary school when I realised I was fat. My first memory about this was with my cousins. It was something about how my wrists were so thick I couldn't loop one with the other hand, unlike the others. This thought of me being fat stayed with me since then.

In JC, a friend who knew I wanted to be thin told me frankly that I would never be thin. At most slim. I agreed. It was my built. I continued to feel fat even though I weighed 52kg in August 1998 - yup, NAPFA period. (I remember this coz I exclaimed out loud and the darn PE teacher mimicked me *.*)

After JC, I gained weight from all the eating out after temp work etc. Before university, I think I was about 58kg. Think that's heavy? College food and kebabs pushed me up to 65kg-67kg. I felt very fat and tried to jog but that did not help. 

When I returned to Singapore for good, I lost weight without doing anything. Somehow, I came down to 58kg and stayed there. I continued to feel fat and tried exercising and cutting down on food. I took up classes at Amore but couldn't go more than a couple of times a week. I danced once or twice a week. I tried to jog in AMK / Bishan park but at snail speed. I also came up with my own diets - cashew nuts and yogurt for dinner, 1L of soy milk for whole Saturday, etc. Nothing worked.

I ate two dinners daily in 2008 due to work - first from Amoy or Maxwell at about 6 pm, and Macs or sthg when I went home which could be any time between 11 pm and 3 am (!). With our wedding coming up in end 2009, I joined a gym near office. Again, I couldn't go more than a couple of times a week due to work. Anyway, it didn't work :p

I lost weight breastfeeding Kai and dropped to 56kg at one point. I was 60kg after Yang. And with Yu, I think it was similar until we moved to BP - had too much accessible fast food for supper with Sito! The scales tipped over at 65kg-67kg again *.*

Along the way, I tried vegetarian dinner, no rice at dinner, and in the couple of years before the Circuit Breaker in 2020, a heavy breakfast plus coffee/tea through the day with no dinner. The heavy breakfast wasn't a dieting attempt - I didn't want to get hungry at lunch and waste time buying lunch so I stuffed myself and worked through lunch! So when I went on part-time work, I didn't need lunch hour.

When Circuit Breaker hit, I changed my eating habits. With food easily accessible at home, I didn't need to stuff myself to last the day. I just started my day with a cup of coffee. If I got hungry mid morning, I just turned around to grab a slice of Gardenia bread and eat it kosong while I worked. If I needed more, I would add peanut butter or even had helper cook noodles etc. After a second cup of coffee in the afternoon, I would have a light dinner with the kids.

Amazingly, I dropped to 62kg by end of 2020. And it didn't stop there - I went below 60kg for the first time in a long while by mid 2021. Since Sep 2021, I have been at about 56kg-58kg.

Sito: Did you lose bone?

TSK! Haha!

So, what did I do? NOTHING! I only removed my big breakfast. I tried to jog just before Circuit Breaker which put a stop to that so no exercise too. I had come to realise back in 2013 that exercising wouldn't help unless it's pretty extreme, like 10km every day. I can't even manage 3km *.* 

Controlling food works better, at least in my experience. By that, I don't mean extreme dieting. Still must be healthy! So I eat only when I'm hungry in the day, and not overeat. If I'm hungry at night, sleep is the best thing to do!

Ending this with photo evidence - the same dress in 2022 and 2019:



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