He brought his costume home on Friday - some traditional Chinese costume, which I will reuse for racial harmony day for ZY two years later hoho!
We dropped ZK off with the teachers to prepare backstage and looked at the photos on display outside the ACJC auditorium. They were taken on rehearsal day on Thursday. We bought some eight or 10 5R pictures of ZK at $2.50 each. Not too ex but the school was very smart lor.. Playgroup kids must be accompanied by adults for the rehearsal, and I was so glad I sent Y - duration was too long not to pump/nurse - cos they only needed guidance for the bus journey as the adults were not allowed into the auditorium!
We also bought a photo book compiled by a parent volunteer who took the photos around Children's Day. It's $25 for one shot of ZK but it's one full page.. Yes, we're such suckers. Anyway, the proceeds go to MILK so, ok la.
The programme - it's the school's first concert as well:
ZK is in PGB! :)
He came back from rehearsal on Thursday with his hands on his head, saying "rabbit". So we thought he would be a rabbit in 拔萝卜 as we were thought his class was preparing for this song. But I heard from his teacher before the show started that the kids couldn't move to that song so they changed it to 小兔子乖乖 - more rabbits then hoho!
Even ZK woke to watch his brother perform ^_^
The teachers were standing in front of the stage at the aisles of the seats to dance with the kids and remind them of the steps. The older kids were able to dance to the songs. The younger kids, well, it depends! There were a few memorable ones - the stationary lions, the one with a fist in her mouth the whole time looking like she was thinking and doing nothing else much less dancing, and those who shouted out MUMMY when they spotted their most important woman! They were so cute!
But nothing could compare when my ZK appeared on stage :) He was so easy to spot cos of his big and happy movements! Can you see him? :))))
And the full video! The action starts from 0:24:
His teacher told me that during rehearsal, he walked right out when the curtains opened so I was a bit apprehensive but he did so well! :) We noticed a few things - ZK loves the stage for one! Haha! So enthusiastic and happy :) He loves jumping in particular. And he took note that he should stay behind the line on the floor! He checked where he was after jumping. At one point, he was looking out for us in the audience, but he never forgot his steps!
Yes, we are so very proud of him :)
Everyone came out for the finale. While waiting for the rest to fall in, he started looking for us and cried when he couldn't see us :( I could hear him go "mummeeee..." :( We kept waving and shouting his name. I knew he saw us when he blew kisses back at me :)
He was happy when Sito fetched him from the stage. Relaxing finally...
Back to the stage with Papa!
Photographer spotted us on our way out - what a nice picture!
Source: Global Tots Facebook
That night when we went to bed, ZK kept singing the rabbit song. He went "tok tok tok" at the jumping part, and repeated the song once before going "the door close [sic]" - super cute!
Oh I love it! ZK was the best jumper and sooo enthusiastic! =) Now I'm really looking forward to SX's one next month! Though I suspect she will have stage fright...