Thursday 5 March 2020

Recess food

Recently, I started making recess food for Kai again. Really couldn't take it when he eats only Wang Wang biscuits for recess!!

But I took feedback seriously. He said the sausage rolls last time were nice but they were cold coz I took them out from freezer overnight. So I decided to make things more fresh by cooking just one dat in advance. Or at least the last step is done just one day in advance.

So instead of making over 20 sausage rolls to freeze, I made homemade sausages to freeze. I'll take two out of the freezer when I get back in the afternoon to defrost in the fridge. After the kids go to bed, I pop them into the microwave to heat them up thoroughly, and wrap each in half a slice of flattened bread to toast! When they're done, I let them cool on my bed while I read or watch TV. And they go straight into his school bag. The next morning, I throw in a small pack of ketchup and we're happy!

Homemade sausages just before they went into the oven

Sausage rolls!

I also made pasta salad. Below is my second attempt - aglio olio fusilli with julienned capsicum and sliced hotdogs. A couple of weeks back, I made a better one with onions, broccoli and canned tuna but it came back half eaten coz broccoli. And he didn't like the tuna much.

He said he couldn't wait to eat this coz hotdogs - but it came back with a third of the pasta coz he didn't like capsicum

As for little bites, I bought UHT milk packs. I started out with the baby packs but Kai complained that it wasn't enough. So I got the bigger packs but decided to throw in regular milk on top of the chocolate one. Of course he way prefers the chocolate version!

Yesterday, he discovered burrito during lunch and liked it! I told him to try more stalls so that he could be a better buddy to a primary one kid next year! But please, let it not be his brother! :p

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