Monday 12 August 2024

Revelation thanks to Bridget

Random mid(ish)-year resolution: I shall quit reading.

Resolution made in style of Bridget Jones quitting drinking/smoking/self-help books, i.e. high chance of me not sticking to it!

So yes, I was reading again, which explains the dearth of posts this last month.

And yes, I have been reading Bridget Jones, no thanks to the film showing on the telly a few weeks ago, making me realise that I hadn't read the books before.

So once again, I found myself immersed in the wonderful world of fiction, almost oblivious to the real world. But as a well adjusted adult, I always managed to finish the things I must do before sitting down to read. Like having my morning coffee (a must, and during which I could read some), keeping the children educated (by waking up on time to send them off to school) and alive (by cooking), keeping everyone clean (by doing laundry). Cleaning table tops? That can wait though :p

And shortly into the first book, I had a revelation - I'm not the only one who keeps having random thoughts in my head! These thoughts could be real (i.e. past happenings), planning (i.e. what to do later, tomorrow, next year, when rich) or imaginations (i.e. fantasising what might/could have happened, not so much BJ's faves of weight and men)!

Caveat - I did not, dared not, check with my friends whether they had such random thoughts while scrubbing the toilet or cutting up boneless chicken thighs. But Helen Fielding - surely she must have (had) random thoughts running through her mind since she wrote BJ?

Not alone :)

But then, I couldn't help it. I decided to ask people whether he had random thoughts running through his head.

First of all, my dear hub sitting right next to me as I type. His reply was to tell me about a comic he saw before, comparing a man and a woman who were not thinking of anything. The woman had thought bubbles of everything - what to eat, kids, etc. The man had one thought bubble - a monkey clapping cymbals!!!

Ok, men. Or maybe just my man :)

Next, JY when we met for breakfast last week. Her reply was that everyone was wired differently.

Ok, tactful. Haha!

I haven't had the chance to ask others yet. But ok, I accept I'm wired this way. That's why I can type on and on here. 

Many thoughts have come and gone, coz I'm usually busy with physical work when such thoughts pop by so I don't write it down, and by the time I'm free, I don't remember a thing unless something happens to remind me of it. Bird brain. 

PS: I just started an online novel and it's been only two or three weeks since I wrote the first paras of this post - major fail!

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