Monday, 27 January 2025

Kai went camping

This was his second camp, first being the P5 camp. This time, it was for four days and three nights. Again, we got everything from Decathlon :)

Have fun, Kai!

Ya, he refused to turn around for a picture... Anyway, that was last Monday. I wouldn't have known what they were doing if not for the very active WhatsApp group chat among the parents. Many were worried about the escaped crocodiles from Batam but the kayaking went on anyway!

His absence was keenly felt. It was very quiet. Haha! Yang and Yu were happy to be on their own and were quite quiet in the day. We felt it more at night. Usually he would nua on our bed at 9.30 pm after finishing his chess games. On Monday night, nothing...

By Wednesday night, I was ready to have my Kai home!

On Thursday, Sito and I went to school for Kai's badge ceremony. So, the teacher told us, the kids would get a badge at the end of every milestone programme. For Sec 1, it was this Camp Discovery.

The boys reached school after we were seated. Thankfully, they didn't smell. Haha! But his bag smelled really bad coz he just dumped all wet stuff inside from day 1, yucks!

The kids were just loitering outside the classroom, staring in at the parents and just chatting, until a couple came in. Then I waved to Kai to get him in. The first thing he said was "act normal" - eh, ok...??? :p

One of the peer leaders addressed everyone before the start of the badge ceremony. Then the teachers got them out by registration number. It was very informal and everyone looked happy.

Kai didn't look happy but I think he was happy to leave the camp!

Their class happened to be the best class overall in the camp, for cheers and class flag etc, so there was a big pack of chips. Kai got two bags of chips which he devoured on the spot. Too hungry. We grabbed more food at 7-11 before going home.

Made him carry his own stuff :p

When he got home, he cried "home sweet home!" :p

That night, Sito and I sat on his bed while he put his head on Sito's leg and told us all about his camp. Briefly, kayaking on day 1, Sungei Buloh on day 2 and high elements on day 3. He was upset that he only managed to kayak for 30 min instead of three hours, coz the instructor claimed they were noisy. The wetlands were boring to him, but he enjoyed rock climbing, less so for abseiling.

It was very nice to hear him :)

The next day was wellness day, for them to rest at home after the camp. Sito brought Kai to Fong Sheng Hao for breakfast.

The pork and egg sandwich was yummy!

But he still preferred kaya butter toast. Ok we'll go for kaya butter toast after my ulcer is done!

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