Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Protecting my tongue

I am given to consider two everyday objects lately, not in part due to yet another tongue ulcer, which will, in all likelihood, prevent my enjoyment of the LNY festivities, largely comprising eating and drinking, and more eating and more drinking.

(That was written just as I finished reading Pride and Prejudice, which was a wonderful distraction from the pain. This is already mild. Did they really speak like that?? Anyway...)

So I was - still am - nursing said ulcer and cleaning the vanity basin the other day. As I removed a floss stick, I deeply regretted using my tongue instead of a floss stick to dislodge a bit of peanut stuck between my teeth, as I ended up causing the ulcer to form. And one thought led to another - now that's what the toothpicks on the tables of Chinese restaurants are for!

In public, I had more than once discreetly covered my mouth with a tissue or fancy napkin if available while using my fingers over a bit of tissue to dislodge food. But I think I might end up poking the delicate insides of my mouth if I were to use a toothpick. I'll stick to the tissue. Or bear with it until I get home to use a floss stick in front of the mirror.

Just, never my tongue. Never again.

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