Friday 23 April 2021

TCM for nose, round 2

Back in September 2009, a colleague recommended her TCM to me for gastric problems. I ended up seeing her for my allergy. By our wedding in December that year, I was off nasal spray and did little to manage my allergy.

Then Evanston happened and my nose didn't take well to the cold. Then kid and I couldn't go back to the nasal spray. I only restarted the nasal spray in December 2018 after a particularly nasty bout of allergy/cold. Then this happened so I decided to go back to TCM to 治根 instead of relying on nasal spray forever.

My first appointment was on 8 April. I had reduced the dose of my nasal spray for a couple of weeks by then and I was suffering quite a bit just before my appointment so I was really looking forward to it. The medicine seemed a little different - spicy and taken only once in the morning instead of morning and evening. 

For the first week, I was sweating at night despite the aircon. In the second week, my symptoms got worse. I think the nasal spray had totally left my system. Sometimes I couldn't sneeze. Sometimes I sneezed madly. Early morning and late evening onwards, my nose dripped madly and was badly blocked. The rest of the day was manageable. 

I had my second appointment yesterday. Did acupuncture. I lost count but I think there were around 20 needles all over me - head, belly, limbs. I tried to stay awake but of course I dozed off! Thankfully, I woke in the same position :p Last night, I didn't drip as badly. But I'm still drippy now. The medicine seemed a little different. 

It is early days. I think it might take another month or so to feel significantly better as I'm probably still suffering from withdrawal of the nasal spray. I must persevere!

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