Tuesday 30 March 2021

Let's make muffins!

Yu has been wanting to make muffins, so we did!

Yu helped to measure out the flour

Kai wished he could eat the chocolate chips right away!

Every boy had a go at the chocolate chips

And must take picture, ok...

They were watching TV so I mixed the wet ingredients myself. More importantly, there were only two eggs so I couldn't let them all crack eggs :p

They filled up the muffin cups

I like these muffin cups. Yes, they're disposable but the silicon ones are so hard to wash that I wonder about the impact of using all that water and soap on them! These muffin cups can stand on their own so I don't need to us muffin trays at all, which limits the number of muffins I can throw into the oven.

See how well they turned out!

All boxed up

Yang and Yu like the muffins. Yang brought a muffin to school yesterday but had only the top coz he dropped the bottom when opening up the cup. Today, he asked for a muffin again and I opened up the cup for him first. Our formula containers are now repurposed to house muffins :)

Kai isn't much of a fan but I coaxed him to have one that afternoon since (a) he made them, and (b) biscuits were out of bounds for tea that day. In the end, he had two and laughed sheepishly when I asked him...

It was quite nice to have them help. Yes, it was quite messy - flour on the table, muffin dough everywhere, sticky hands. But I think it made the muffins tastier? Haha! And in the debrief, I spoke to them about maths and science. What if we added too much flour? Not enough baking powder?

Kai and Yang used to make omelette or scrambled eggs in HV when the kitchen was a lot more open with more space for more to stand together. Now it's quite a squeeze. That's why we had to do the muffins at the dining table. Hope can get them more involved in the kitchen :)

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