Saturday, 19 December 2009


有点儿迟了,但还是要对老友 CY 说:生日快乐,长大啦! :)

记得那天在餐馆我们聊了很多,不知不觉就是几个小时。其实,我们 meet up 时都很尽兴的。我总想把每一刻快乐的时光都用文字或是照片记下,可总也没有时间。“翻看” mf-ism 就知道了 - 近年来的 entries 已比以往的少。

别说纪录了,就连聚会的时间也蛮难碰到。就过去一个月来,有两个朋友家里传来恶讯。因为礼俗,因为时间,至今一直还没有机会 meet up。你们还好吗?

婚礼上,我(记得好象!)说道,我很高兴能和在场的朋友一直保持联络,甚至追溯到小学。是的,我很庆幸。唯一遗憾的,应该是没有更经常联络。好久没有 la kopi (or teh) with prata,好久没有 K 歌,好久没有好好坐下来聊些有的没的。

今年参加了许多婚礼。其中就有牧师说,男女朋友做了夫妻更要努力维持这段感情,更要有 commitment。我在想,在忙碌的生活中,要好好维持友谊,也是需要努力的。


突然想起这首歌,唱出今晚的心情⋯⋯ Enjoy ~

词 : 陈静楠
曲 : 方文良
编曲 : 方文良

一样的月光照在我们掌心 何时小叮当改名哆啦A梦
春风少年兄唱着浪人情歌 红红青春敲呀敲变成men's talk
美丽花蝴蝶飞出青苹果乐园 飞向未来风真透还有爱相随

朋友最近好么 今晚出来走走 新歌会了哪几首
KTV里唱着 当时我们拿手 林强张宇张学友
朋友最近好么 啤酒再来一手 谁会在乎谁出糗
唱破我们歌喉 唱完一起拍手 天王天后也点头

谁说过其实你不懂我的心 谁约定不会忘了你忘了我
无情的情书太傻执迷不悔 转眼恋爱症候群换新恋情
说好天空不要为我们掉眼泪 认错之后向前行未来不是梦

唱到时光倒流 那年我们十九 梦在心里加满油

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Being on long leave

It's a rather surreal feeling, to wake up on a weekday morning at 7-ish and realise that there's no need to jump up to get ready for work. It's even more so when this is repeated for more than a few days at a stretch, albeit at 8-ish, 10-ish, and even 11-ish.

We spend time washing, cleaning and hoovering - now our place is more like a home. We laze in front of the TV, often with some food to share. We also cook some meals and boil a lot of water.

This morning, I was staring out of the study window. It looked pretty quaint down there. Low buildings. Old. The new flats could be seen just a little further.

Now, it's raining. I'm snacking on cashew nuts, typing this and listening to the radio. He's a few steps and a door away, in the comfort of aircon even in this pouring rain.

I know I have things to do, like drawing up a shopping list for the Isetan private sale this Friday - we desperately need some plastic ware. And I need to figure out how to work the high-tech rice cooker. Heck, I can't even manage the TV or the aircon controller!

But I'm feeling light-headed, in part due to my flu and also this feeling of being on leave, being carefree for a while finally.

I find it hard to believe that three weeks are coming to an end.

I'm dreading next Monday.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

End of an era...

Just back from dinner and drinks. LH gave a treat at Absinthe as she would be leaving for postgrad studies. Food was good but the company beat it hands down. I'm so blessed to be working with these people!

We had a lot of fun and laughter at the dining table and later at Majestic Bar where a few of us adjourned to. LH packed her son off with the dad so she could join us :p Amid the chatter, I forgot to take photos =/

I have been wanting to talk to LH since mid-year retreat, where what she said resonated with me. No chance thus far and now she's leaving! Was planning to get a card for her after wedding but had no time to sit down to write properly before meeting her just now. Made a note to get it done to pass to her next week. (after-note: done)

With LH gone, I feel like a chapter in the history of NPS has closed. She has been there since the beginning and helped to shape NPS into what it is today. Among the seven pioneers of NPS, only three are left now. Personally, she has also guided and mentored me to where I am today, for which I'm grateful. So, 有一点伤感吧... 因为我不喜欢别离,因为人事已非,也因为我晓得有一天我也会离开这里... Too much for a late Friday night, hur? :)

Friday, 4 December 2009

At the end of a phase of my life

Well, at this stage, I would say that we are done with the preparations for our wedding celebration tomorrow. If anything is not done, well, I say too bad! :p

I'll probably post details at some point but now, I just want to write about what I'm feeling, or not.

In the past few weeks, we have been busy with packing, moving, unpacking.. As I packed my stuff, I have taken loads of pictures of things I was dumping - no point hoarding. I even took pictures of the market area, where I spent many happy Sunday mornings. And just now when I was packing dinner at AMK Hub, I realised that I probably wouldn't be there as often after today.

Then when I got back, I found that I did not have the same affinity to this flat. Sure, I've lived here since I was a baby. But too many unhappy things have happened here. I only took photos of my room which I did up nicely two years ago.

And with Mother nagging at me and wanting me to do this and that and not do this and that, I was so yearning for tomorrow so that I could be officially out of this place!

Rather negative thoughts for today but they are my thoughts nonetheless.

On a happier note, tomorrow marks the start of our life together!! Can't wait :)