Saturday, 13 January 2024

Domestic god

If I'm a domestic goddess, Sito must be a domestic god.

When he was working, it was just wiping the dining table after some meals on weekends and the occasional repair - usually the wifi, the washer tap and whacking roaches... In the past year, he has been doing more and more at home.

For our move, he fixed a lot of furniture and cleaned the house with me. After moving, he took on duties for all the window panes and frames while I dust off the grilles. I'm happy coz some windows do not have grilles :p

Wiping the windows from the corridor

He also takes on various repair work, like epoxy on cracked tiles (!), and sealing gaps to seal off insects. Two nights ago, he even dismantled our aircon casing to get to an ant nest! But it was inside so we just killed and cleaned what we could see.

Sealing the last edge of our 5m of kitchen cabinet

On a daily basis, he sets up the dining table and washes the water bottles. While I wake early to prepare the boys for school, he fetches them home, which frees me up to prepare a better lunch for them. When I'm out with friends or sending a kid for tuition, he takes on a simple lunch for the other two.

And the most important of all, he took on kiddy duty, specifically tuition! Kai has improved a lot :) He also sorts out the exam papers to give to the kids regularly. In past years, I only gave them papers during exam time - I think I brought them to the playground more often? :p

It's more difficult to settle the kids' revision now that all three are in formal schooling. So it's great that Sito is here! But it's still two against three so for now, we just let Yu do simple things or even just reading. We'll see how when he gets to P3 when there will be exams...

My domestic god will be taking on more duties in the coming week! Details later... Jia you, my dear!

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