Saturday, 21 December 2024

Each in his own room - or not

Yesterday, we shifted Yu's bed from Yang's room to his own room, and Yang's desk from Yu's room to his own room.

The plan has always been to separate them by Yang's P5 year, so that he could rest better. These two like to chat, sometimes late into the night. Yang was dozing off in class this year, and at home, he sometimes felt sleepy while doing work or even while having dinner!

And despite having their own desk, Yang and Yu did their work mostly at the dining table. They only used their desks a few times, usually when they needed aircon. The dining table is super multi-purpose but they have limited space if others are eating and have to wait for the table to be cleaned. 

So now, both Yang and Yu are like Kai, own bed with own desk in own room. Yang's room looks more spacious now. Yu's room looks more warm now.

Thursday night before the big shift

I said I wanted a picture and they turned their bum to me *.* Why??!

Yang's room now

Yup, he wasn't pleased with this arrangement. Over the past year, he had said many times he wanted Yu out of his room when he was angry with him for various things. But when it was really time, he wanted to be with Yu.

Yu's room now - have to pull down the blinds coz it's a corridor room

He decided to do a little trial - I turned off the light, turned on the night light and left the room for a while. When I went in, he said it was quite ok.

Later, I asked Yang to do the same trial. He said scary! Aiyoh...

I told them that if there was no school the next day, they could sleep with each other... But Yang didn't want to sleep on Yu's bed or have Yu in his bed coz he said Yu was stinky - he still drools in his sleep :)

But in the end...


Let's see how it goes in the days to come... Just over two weeks to the new school year!

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

20th anniversary

Plus one day coz I was busy yesterday.

17 Dec 2004 was the day I first posted on this blog. Once I started, I never stopped though there were periods with less writing. And suddenly, it's 20 years?! And over 2,000 posts!

I don't speak very well. Can't think fast enough on my feet. I much prefer to write so I can take my time to convey my thoughts. Although I must say that not much thoughts go into mf-ism usually - just spew out happenings in my life mostly :p

And happenings in my life have gone from parties and random rants, to mommy life and more about kids. The other day, I let Yang and Yu read their birth stories. They seemed to enjoy it :) Maybe one day the kids can read mf-ism to learn more about their younger selves, and even about younger Papa and Mama.

Cheers to another 20 years?

Kai plays chess

Kai started playing chess - both international and Chinese - some time in preschool. I remember when I was doing part-time, he kept badgering me to play with him but I was such a lousy player...

In P2, he joined the chess club in school. During the pandemic, I saw him attend chess club over zoom - he didn't seem interested at all! Anyway, he didn't make it to the school team, whether it was due to skill or selection process, we never knew.

He wanted to continue chess in secondary school. But his doesn't have this as CCA. So Sito and I decided to continue supporting Kai in his hobby outside of school.

On Tuesday, 26 Nov, Sito brought Kai to Bishan CC to play chess after dinner. He played a few games but didn't meet very good players.

That Sunday, 1 Dec, we were all at AhMa's place. The kids usually waste the afternoon away with snacks and TV so might as well play chess! Sito and AhYe brought Kai to Queenstown CC to play chess. Kai met better players and went back again two weeks later after we came back from Japan.

Then Sito found that there was to be a blitz tournament on 17 Dec at Bishan. Kai beat three of four non-rated opponents; he should have beaten the fourth too but blunder. Having done well, he was then paired with rated players - he beat two, lost two and drew with one. 

He emerged third for U12 and 14th overall, out of 58. He was also the top non-rated player. So proud of him :) And to cap it all, our boy looked so cool when playing!!

This was setting up - more cute than cool :)

Sito just signed him up for another tournament - rapid this time. All the best to him!