Wednesday, 18 December 2024

20th anniversary

Plus one day coz I was busy yesterday.

17 Dec 2004 was the day I first posted on this blog. Once I started, I never stopped though there were periods with less writing. And suddenly, it's 20 years?! And over 2,000 posts!

I don't speak very well. Can't think fast enough on my feet. I much prefer to write so I can take my time to convey my thoughts. Although I must say that not much thoughts go into mf-ism usually - just spew out happenings in my life mostly :p

And happenings in my life have gone from parties and random rants, to mommy life and more about kids. The other day, I let Yang and Yu read their birth stories. They seemed to enjoy it :) Maybe one day the kids can read mf-ism to learn more about their younger selves, and even about younger Papa and Mama.

Cheers to another 20 years?

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