We met all three in the canteen when they were dismissed at 1.30 pm for lunch. Yang was to wait at the canteen while Yu attended his Higher Chinese extra lesson and the remaining three went for the CCA fair.
Kai eating rubbish for lunch *.*
Now, while their primary school allows kids to explore CCAs on a recreational basis, secondary school CCAs are a different ball game. Cannot just be recreational. Sports means school team. Everything has a competition or something.
If the school has chess, it would be easy. But it doesn't. We had gone through the CCA options with Kai based on information on the school website. But he wasn't terribly interested in anything. We shortlisted a few for him to seek out the booths to ask questions.
If the school has chess, it would be easy. But it doesn't. We had gone through the CCA options with Kai based on information on the school website. But he wasn't terribly interested in anything. We shortlisted a few for him to seek out the booths to ask questions.
At the fair, we started off walking around but Kai wasn't very into it. So Sito tasked him to go to the booths himself and come back to tell us details etc. We just stood at one side or checked out the booths on our own. Some kids also came up to us to tell us about their CCA. At one point, I told a kid to tell Kai, not tell me :p
Eventually, Kai signed up for four trials: basketball, badminton, track and field, and NPCC. We also filled up a form to inform the school of his interest in chess; we have already signed him up for the National Schools Individual Championship next week.
Going home after CCA fair - rare sight of them four (and me) on the bridge!
The trials started after LNY. He was told he didn't make it for basketball on the spot. He wasn't super keen on it but still felt bad. So that was a lesson in failure, gone through at lunch and again before his bedtime.
The next two trials were badminton and track/field. He didn't know the outcome immediately. But he said track/field was very tiring so even if he got in, he wasn't too keen. My son is a sedentary creature...
The last trial was NPCC. It seemed like more of an intro session than trial. They did some drills. Kai came back to say he loved it. Love ok, not just like.
So it was good that he was eventually allocated his first choice - NPCC.
It was his first session yesterday. We knew it started at 3pm but had no idea when it would end. We kept stalking him using the Find My app. He finally came home at 6.45 pm.
So they had drills for some two hours. While the Sec 1s were in PE attire, the seniors were all in uniform. But they got their measurements ytd too so I suppose they would get their uniforms soon. Will post pictures later :)
As for his brothers, their CCAs started on the 15th day of LNY :p Yang came back to say track/field was fun, yeah! So happy that he enjoyed it! He ran like 10 rounds in the auditorium - with aircon, haha!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed but it seems that since he started track/field, his poop became more frequent than every 10 days! Probably a combi of vigorous exercise and more water? 🤞
On the other hand, Yu said robotics was boring - just talking. This was after he was so excited at getting this CCA. I told him there would probably be more hands-on stuff after the first intro session..
But it was still boring the second week. Finally, they got to build things from the third week and he was happy! He also asked for the Lego set - um, very expensive... Let's see how it goes...