Thursday, 22 October 2009

Goodbye, Pinky..

I mourn the passing of Pinky..

She left me last Wednesday, 14 Oct 2009, more than three years after I first held her in my hands around National Day 2006, and a few hours after being cleaned with quite a bit of water..! Yes, blame me =(

She had been showing signs of ageing, restarting many times a day on her own, general slowness.. And the speaker had died earlier within the first year.. But I didn't want to give her up as there were so many memories.. I should be able to retrieve the calendars and notes etc from the last time I sync-ed with my work desktop.. But the many sms, precious sms, they are all gone now... =(

Since she left me, I realised how much I had depended on her.. For the past week, I had to use an old phone without my contacts, calendar and precious sms.. The whole of last weekend, I had no idea what I was doing or where I was supposed to be..

So today, when I got my iPhone, I name her Pinky II in remembrance of Pinky.

Goodbye, Pinky. You have been an important part of my life, and I thank you for being so :)

1 comment:

  1. Damnit you keep getting the phones that I want before me! Grrrr... Na
