Thursday, 14 December 2023

Master Chef Sito & Junior!

Before exams, I was chatting with Yang and/or Yu at bedtime when we decided to open our own breakfast cafes. So the kids dreamt up their cafe names and (much later) wrote their menus. I also had my own cafe :) 

When we had more time in the holidays, they took orders from everyone one day, and one fine week, we finally opened our doors!

Mama went first on Monday, 4 Dec - as a demo but these kids were too busy playing *.* Anyway, my 小妈妈餐室 served up scrambled eggs and omelette on toast for all of us :)

Kai's Delicious Food Cafe opened on Tuesday. His was Yakun style breakfast only. Everyone had kaya butter toast.

Must make angry face

Yang's Sunrise Cafe started operations on Thursday. But the kitchen opened a bit on Wednesday as he served up egg mayonnaise in addition to scrambled eggs and omelette on toast.

Happily beating eggs

He made jolly nice scrabbled eggs!

Yu's Eggs R Us ended the breakfast series on Friday. He lost one egg when he cracked it too hard! And he was just tall enough for the stove plus he found it a bit hot so sous-chef aka Mama helped a lot... He served up similar fare as Yang.

Pushed a bit and... too hot!

Papa and Mama rated the breakfast, and Yang scored 18.5 out of 20 vs. 17 for Kai and Yu! He won himself the first Master Chef Sito Junior title! And a whole bottle of Mentos candies while his brothers had a lollipop each.

Ok that was a very filling week, full of toast and eggs haha! And after that, we started having kaya butter toast quite a bit coz must use up the kaya! Yu didn't like it as much (Yakun better) so he had cheese on toast.

But we're not done yet! The following week, Master Chef Sito made radish cake! He used the radish I used for soup - no waste! And it turned out fabulous!

Happily panfrying Chinese sausage, dried shrimps and a fat scallop

The steamed version with homemade sauce

And we panfried it for dinner!

Actually, we cooked very little during school holidays. Most of the time, we pack or eat out. And we eat a lot when we eat out *.* Don't dare to weigh myself!

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