Tuesday, 18 February 2025


For some two years now, I have been saying bye bye to Kai at the door when he goes to school.

I think it was the week before LNY when I finally stopped sending Yang and Yu to the bus stop. Now, I wave bye bye to them at the door. Except if it rains - Mama will still hold the brolly for them as they go up the bus so that they don't have to carry a wet brolly for the next eight hours.

So I have developed a bad habit - going back to bed after the kids are gone!

There's a term for this in Chinese. But for the life of me, I just couldn't remember what it was! I kept thinking about 回锅肉 *.*

Eventually, I googled for it: 回笼觉

Too late. Now every day, I tell Sito I'm back to 做回锅肉 :p 

Actually, I don't think I ever went back to sleep. I just lie down, scroll Facebook, read news, or chat a bit with Sito if he's up. This 回锅肉 is "fully cooked" and ready to start the day when the sun comes up. 

Rise and shine indeed!

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