Saturday, 15 February 2025

Valentine's Day

When was the last time I posted on about V Day?

In the past week whenever I turned on the radio, the DJs were going on and on about V Day and what presents to give or not to give. Is this a young people thing? For sure, very commercialised. I couldn't identify with presents coz I'm just not a presents person.

Every day is V Day with my hub anyway, haha! ✌️ 

But on Tuesday, Sito came back with Yang after his tuition, with a giant sunflower! So cheerful!

First spicy kimchi noodles after ulcer, made even happier with the sunflower :)

We had to cut half the stem to fit it into an empty nuts container. It's on the dining table so it's very visible and brings much cheer whenever I see it.

And the man taking the picture with two of his pups :)))

I love to see him ๅฅถ็ˆธ-ing! ๐Ÿ’• 

Then on V Day, I went out with two girlfriends :p Breakfast with JY until lunchtime (!), and packed beehoon for Sito's lunch. KTV with CY and packed a brownie to share with him.

Coz, as we told the kids, V Day is also Friendship Day :)

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