Sunday 15 February 2009

At peace

Was lying on my duvet with eye patches under my eyes, listening to my latest acquisition - Atari Kousuke's 花間道 CD.

His soft voice floated in the air. There was a slight breeze (from my fan). My duvet felt good against my bare legs. My left arm was around Eeyore and my right under my head. My eyes were closed. And I felt at peace.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a pink haven I created for myself. I thought, "This is beautiful. This is the beauty of my solitude."

Watched a Jap drama a couple of weeks ago - Hotaru no Hikari. Hotaru liked to laze around the house, lying and rolling on the floor, which was a mess. That gave her energy to give her best in the world outside her cozy home, she said.

Mine is the less messy version, I guess :)

Anyway, I lost my keys yesterday. Or so I thought. When I lost my lipstick today, I started to suspect that my bag was a thieving wolf in a sheep's skin.

Found a hole in the inner compartment *.*

But I retrieved more than my keys and lipstick from the space between the lining and the synthetic exterior - I also found my lipgloss which I thought was lost a couple of months ago!

Still like that $12 bag :)

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