We arrived just in time for our aircon servicing job but guess what, the chaps got there earlier and had just finished cleaning by the time we got there! Luckily Mum was home...
Spent some time taking stock of the cabinets and stuff in the house and unpacking stuff we brought with us from the Kembangan apartment before we left for a late lunch at Aji no Mori downstairs – very good value lunch sets!
And then the actual move began at the rented storage, with a senior citizen lugging a small trolley, a bai-kah pushing a big trolley and a pregnant woman holding doors open!
First of all, our suitcases from Evanston came home. We figured that we were more familiar with stuff inside! Took us the rest of the afternoon to unpack. Also washed a load of baby clothes – super cute job, that was! :)
Had a late dinner at the zi char downstairs at HD 43 – um, Holland Drive Blk 43! There’s a HD 40 just behind too… How creative *.* But anyway, the food was good! Especially the 三味虾, like wasabi prawns but better!
The next day, we went back again with more stuff from Kembangan. Washed yet another load of baby clothes! While Sito dismantled Dad’s computer from the TV, I sorted out our desk full of random stuff.
Lunch was even later this day but we didn’t feel hungry until we started eating! Just the usual from Café Cartel, complete with a sundae from Macs :p
Energised, we moved in a carload of boxes full of clothes and bags, Sito’s backpack of shoes and more bags of other identifiable stuff from the storeroom.
See our stuff? This was taken on Thursday so it wasn't the complete story...

Mum left us to sort out Blk 12 while she sorted out Blk 4. Left on our own, we stripped down to our underwear to work! Blinds all down of course! Our clothes and feet were pretty gross by the end of the day, all that dust and grime..
I was very proud of Sito – he singlehandedly unpacked some 10 boxes while I only managed to find a bigger container for our ever-expanding collection of memorabilia, put together a tool box and a electrical box for all the random nuts and bolts and plugs in the house, and arranged our toiletries. He left me a pile of my clothes to sort out. Unlike him, I only threw out one item :p Well, I’m hoping I can still fit in them after delivery!!
Went over to Blk 4 to wait for Dad to come back from work and we had dinner at Pho Hoa downstairs. End of yet another day of moving! Oh, after the previous day, both my feet got very swollen. This day, even my fingers got swollen and I almost couldn’t remove my wedding ring! I’ve already stopped wearing my solitaire and now I can’t wear my wedding ring :(
Friday was interesting. We couldn’t identify the boxes left in the store cos Mum repacked them after we were gone to make them easier to carry and moved in Sito’s stuff that he didn’t bring over from his old place which was since sold.
Sito: You mean ALL those boxes are mine?! O_O
Heh, not all. Some would be books and CDs from our time together in HV, but yes, many boxes were probably his stuff from his old place! That was my guess anyway...
So the mystery unfurled in the afternoon... Turned out there were many of my stuff too *.* Since I’ve forgotten about them, I threw out quite a lot of stuff!
Didn't manage to unpack very much as we had a dinner appointment with the Nottingham chaps at Joan Bowen Cafe – all four couples are parents or, in our case, parents-to-be! And we’re not the only baby bump too! Very productive group heh..
Second round was at Prata House with KLK. Kok had his dinner, Kel had a snack but I had a second dinner *.* Sito left early as he was tired and he had an early appointment on Saturday. We went on to Salted Caramel next door – D was right, the waffle was good! I felt like having another one *.*
Saturday morning, Mum and I went back to Kembangan to get the our remaining stuff and the deposit back. Then we met Sito at Plaza Sing food court for lunch before the unpacking continued! It was horrendous! By the end of the day, I was so tired and in such a foul mood that I snapped at Sito :( I’m so bad :(
Sunday was a light day. We had lunch at Paradise Dynasty at Ion – yummy! Then we did some shopping for household stuff at Taka, courtesy of some vouchers :) Also went to Gain City at AMK to get some stuff but the models we wanted were out of stock – cheapest ones :p So we ordered for collection next week and went back to unpack.
At first, I thought we could finish up the stuff in the baby room but we couldn’t finish before dinner time, sighs.. Went to IMM to run some errands with Mum and Dad before going to the storage again for the last of our stuff.
Monday, we finally woke up to a nice enough apartment! I even managed to mop the floor in the morning before pilates! :)
After pilates, Sito and I had a quick lunch and went to NTUC to stock up on food before getting back to wait for the mattress cleaners and the sofa guy. Managed to clean three mattresses and ordered a new leather cover for our poor sofa – happy! Mopped the floor again – less happy :p
With mostly the kitchen requiring work, I had to do it myself. Yes, I insisted! Which left Sito to – guess what? – Final Fantasy XIII-2!! Newly bought that very day while I was at pilates...
Anyway, I typed the middle bit of this post in the comfort of our bedroom – on a fresh mattress and fresh linen, nice :)
But that didn't spell the end of the day - usually I spent some time before sleeping tidying up the wardrobe - too many clothes *.* But considerably easier than sorting out memorabilia for example!
The rest of last week sped by with Sito at the PS3 and responding to my calls for help while I sorted out the kitchen and other small things. The things to be sorted out diminished greatly once the boxes were cleared. I even met Na and CY for Jap food, went on a Korean BBQ date with Sito and spent a couple of hours lunching and shopping at Ikea with him and Mum!
Early this week, we set up the new LED screen and cleared the desk for use. And that's where I am now :) Just relaxing.. No more sorting out to do! And with CW's help, I got a weekly part-time helper starting Wednesday! No more major cleaning too! :)
I have another post on moving - started on that way back in Evanston but never finished it. Hope to get down to it soon. If baby still hasn't had enough fun inside..!
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