Wednesday, 23 March 2022

We are so positive!

I'm a positive person. But the longer the ART says positive, the less positive I become *.*

Last (wo)man standing reports on the COVID cluster in Clan Sito...

Wednesday, 9 March

We happily sharing a tray of baked sushi for dinner. Four of us dug into the tray with our spoon to put rice on seaweed before scooping more rice onto our plate. I scooped out the last serving of rice for Sito. 

Salmon and crab stick baked sushi plus side of YTF spinach soup

Then, I received a notice from child care that Yu had a C+ classmate who was last in school on Tuesday. Too late if Yu had caught it and was infectious!

Thursday, 10 March

Yu woke with a slight cough so we kept him home. By mid day, there was no cough... I thought it was just back-drip cough. In any case, with the exposure in school, we all started wearing masks at home. That night, he slept badly as he woke coughing. 

Friday, 11 March

He woke at 5.30 am with a 38.7C fever and a croup-ish cough, and went back to bed after some paracetamol. He said he felt uncomfortable :(

Poor boy slept until past 8 am on Friday

But he tested negative on the ART. Gave him paracetamol about every six hours. Thankfully, his temperature was max 38.9C. His cough was also on off. But his throat hurt when he coughed.

That evening, he went to bed early at 7.30 pm. I checked on him later and found his back all wet from sweat. Stuffed a towel up his back to avoid waking him. Later, when I checked on him again, he got up suddenly - he does that at times. So I quickly grab a shirt for him to change before he went back to sleep. 

I had promised to sleep with him that night. Not used to sleeping with aircon lately but it was ok with my mask on - nose was warm :p I did sneak back to my bed at one point - so much more comfortable! But he came to find me so I went back, sighs.

Saturday, 12 March

Kai was about to leave the house to go jogging with Sito when I remembered he received an HRN from school at 1.00 am (why this hour?!). Had him do an ART before he left. Just as well coz Yu's ART at the same time was positive. 

It was exactly one month ago that I tested positive *.* Which meant I recovered for less than a month *.*

Anyway, Sito, Yang and I did ART as well - all negative.

By then, Yu no longer had a fever. The coughing didn't sound like croup much and he seldom coughed. But when he did, his throat hurt. I sent Yu into my room to isolate. I just changed my bedsheets on Thursday ๐Ÿ˜ญ Now I would have to change them in a week when he got well, sian...

He watched TV and three movies cast from my phone before he got the iPad for Maths games

Sito was to go to KL on Monday so must protected him! By relegating him to Yu's bed :p While he was out jogging with Kai, I wiped down the room, changed the bedsheets and mattress protector, and brought the duvet out to sun. 

Staycation? :p

That night, Sito and I watched TV in the living room. Haven't done that for a while! Luckily it wasn't too hot. Also convenient to get snacks :p

I slept in my bed with Yu. He'd come find me anyway. Just kept my mask on the whole night and hoped my recent infection would protect me!

Yu was really sweet though. When I told him to sleep more in the centre of his pillow, he continued to stay near the edge near me, facing me, and said, "But I like to be close to you." Awww... If I get COVID again, so be it...? :p

Sunday, 13 March

Yu slept in. I'd like to think his body was tired from fighting COVID ๐Ÿ’ช 

Admiring my sleeping baby

But he was very energetic when he woke. He was very comfortable rolling about in my bed, and very happy too. After the morning TV, Yu had iPad time and watched movies. Would he emerge from isolation speaking more Mandarin with all those movies I gave him? Haha!

But Kai started feeling unwell from the morning. He said he felt better after a poo *.* But he didn't eat as much pizza as usual at lunch, and after 30 min on Nintendo, he went to bed! Turned out he was having a 39.1C fever! Gave him paracetamol - big boy can now take one 500mg tab. He continued to nap on off until past 3 pm. 

Then Kai and Yang watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on TV. Kai even went to check out my set on the bookshelf. That night, on Sito's advice, I shifted Lego away to avoid blocking the set :p

That evening, Kai tested positive. The test line showed up even as the fluid was moving upwards *.* He said he hoped it was positive, coz he knew he was positive ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป

We didn't change our sleeping arrangements. I let Yang continue to sleep with Kai coz he was likely infected too! Let's get it over and done with!

Monday, 14 March

Yang still did not have symptoms but he had been sleeping in the same room as Kai all this while so I got him to test. Faint line.

Ok, Yu - come out to watch TV with your brothers! Haha! Should have done that yesterday...

They were all very happy until near noon. I was washing the kids' bathroom when Kai called me. I opened the door to find him squatting outside the bathroom. He said he felt dizzy when he lied down. So I supported him to the sofa. Seemed like he was having vertigo. Told him to sit still and let it pass. After settling him down to watch TV with his brothers, I went back to continue cleaning.

Then Yang came to tell me Kai was feeling bad. When I came out, Kai was bent over - he had puked out some water; no more food in his belly :( I let him puke some more while I prepared a simple lunch. Think it took over an hour before he felt better. Sent him to shower and he was ready for his lunch.

Poor Kai

When I went to get 5kg rice, I checked out the clinic - not crowded! So we went to the clinic. It was quite a long wait after the ART. Kai was shocked that the ART swab was done differently from how he did it ๐Ÿ˜…

Told the doctor that he seemed to have had an episode of vertigo. When Kai heard her say "ver-tie-go", he asked out loud, "Is it 'ver-tih-go' or 'ver-tie-go'?" :p

Anyway, the doctor said that she had seen more kids than adults with dizziness and nausea. Good to know! 

With Kai's episode, I was doubly glad that I prepared porridge for dinner!

No change to sleeping arrangements. I shall be ⁨๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช!

Tuesday, 15 March

Yang developed a fever. Gave him paracetamol close to 8 am. Then just as he was seated at breakfast, he said he felt like puking. I ran to grab a bag but was too late. Had to wipe floor again... Should have told him to just go to the toilet bowl!

It was his dinner last night - could see the rice, broccoli and chunks of pork. Don't know why it wasn't digested already. Unlike Kai, Yang didn't feel dizzy.

Kai had homework from school so he did that in the morning. 

Some time in the afternoon when I was ironing clothes, Yang called out to me suddenly just to tell me that he didn't feel like puking anymore *.* I thought he was going to puke *.*

Cisco came to collect Kai's TraceTogether token. They went according to MOH's list so didn't collect Yang's token... I had to take a picture of the QR code on the token before leaving it outside for contactless collection. The lady slipped a letter under our door - needed that and the QR code to collect a replacement token for Kai later.

We had our first tingkat dinner! Forgot to take picture - ginger chicken, marmite pork which tasted like fish, steamed eggs and broccoli/cauliflower. Complaints filled my ears... Haha!

By evening time, I realised their digestive systems were all compromised. At first, I was very happy to see Yang poop at lunch time. But it happened again at dinner time and it was watery both times. Kai said he also had watery poop. When Yu went, it was also watery. Poor thing.

Yang's fever came up again so more paracetamol close to 2 pm and just before bedtime when he reached 39.5C on our new thermometer. This boy had febrile fits when he was a tot so I was very cautious! When I checked on him near 9 pm and found him hot, I wiped him on the head and neck. Poor boy continued to sleep - so tired :(

Wednesday, 16 March

Yang woke up ok but developed a slight fever so he had a last dose of paracetamol. He said his stomach didn't feel well throughout the day :( But no cough.

Both Kai and Yu still tested positive on the ART. Yu's was still a strong line, sighs.

Did some work in the afternoon. While Kai did his school work and Chinese assessment book, I read Yang's Chinese text with him. Yu did his maths assessment book largely on his own and he did well!

Thursday, 17 March

No more fever. Kai and Yu were still coughing. Yang still had tummy discomfort.

Sian. Can't wait to do ART test again tmr!

Friday, 18 March

No luck.

Saturday, 19 March

Yu tested negative at lunch time, yeah! This is Day 8 for him.

I sent him to his own bed that night so that I didn't have to turn on the aircon. My nose was suffering. But too late - I developed a runny nose the next day, sighs...

By now, I'm totally sick of this COVID business. Mechanical updates henceforth!

Sunday, 20 March

No luck for Kai and Yang.

Monday, 21 March

Yu went to school, yeah!!

Got Kai and Yang up at the usual 6 am to do ART. Again, no luck! Still faint line for both!

Tuesday, 22 March

Kai finally tested negative on his Day 10 and went to school, yeah!

Yang still had a faint line on his Day 9.. BUT! I checked government FAQs and MOH website etc. So after day 7, no need to test - just go about normally coz likely low viral load. Um, ok, if you say so! Can't bear for him to miss more school... 

But we decided to do one more test at 4 pm. Still feel better knowing he is negative la... And yes, negative woohoo!

Swooped them up to the barber and went to fetch Yu. Had a celebratory prata dinner. Everyone was happy yeah!

*** *** ***

I think the most sian parts about COVID are:
  • Laundry: I changed my beddings on Saturday and theirs on Tuesday. This included mattress protectors, vacuuming the mattresses (damn hot), dusting the windows and worst of all, loads of laundry! I've done three full loads so far, two more to go *.* Or maybe I could spread the smaller load among regular loads for this whole week *.*
  • Disinfecting: If laundry is bad, think about all the other things that little germy hands have touched! I give up on their hard toys - impossible! Now we're quite immune and the virus won't stay on surfaces for more than a few days. But things that they hold close to their lovely face must be disinfected or changed! So gadgets, soft toys (another load of laundry!) and toothbrushes etc.
  • Stuck: Cannot go out, very sad. No March holidays for the older boys, even sadder. Saddest is me - stuck with three monkeys for a very long period of time, complete with fights and quarrels, complaints over each other and food, and smelly farts throughout the day, hoho!
Today, all kids are in school. I steamed the entire floor and finally swept and mopped the living room balcony. I have a lot of time today as the older kids have CCA. So will do more after this break! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช

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