Saturday 3 October 2020

Happy Children's Day and 中秋节!

When I was a kid, Children's Day fell on 1 October, not the first Friday of October for admin convenience. This year, 1 October happened to be 中秋节 and Kai has home-based learning on the next day so it was perfect for an evening out!

I prepared the lanterns, bulbs, backup candles, sparklers, and even cut up an old cane for handles in case we had to use candles and could not use the plastic handles. Of course, must also prepare the kids - be good, stay close.

There was also a bribe :p

It was still bright when we left the house, even though Yang and Yu spent some time pooping. So we went downstairs for some frozen yogurt first. But the more I think about it, the more I realise that that was probably ice cream... 

Anyway, so we found a seat with two chairs. Kai kindly let his brothers sit :) I had him watch his brothers while I queued for the treat but of course Yu had to keep coming to find me... We shared a medium cup - already quite a bit of sugar overload!

We set up the lanterns at the lobby and went to level 5. Yang was a bit sad that his bulb was dim. But he didn't want the candles too.

Yang stood far away coz his bulb was dim :(

So we had fun with sparklers!

Kai's second coz his was gone by the time I lit up his brothers'

I had to demonstrate how it worked before I gave them a stick. Social distancing worked wonderfully here haha! Keep my babies safe is very important.

But Yang was very curious about whether the stick was still hot after it had gone out. I touched the tip - it wasn't hot. But he went to touch the middle part - still kind of hot! Poor baby suffered a little shock but thankfully no burn.

Along the way, I got them to sit down with me to watch a 嫦娥奔月 clip. It was short enough and interesting enough. I shall not confuse them with longer and different versions - I've read so many growing up and even this one was new to me!! :p

So we went to bed kind of late that night. Papa got home in time to say goodnight :) But after that there was a lot of drama in the room - crying kids and all *.*

Yang and Yu had their Children's Day celebration in school yesterday and came back with many balloons - a few are flying mad in the balcony now... Kai will have his next Friday coz of PSLE for the P6s.

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