Tuesday 20 October 2020

Kai hosted his first play date

We have had some friends over before, but they were first and foremost friends of Sito and me - CW, CY, LC and Siok, KLK. Kai has been to his friends' parties - H and A from the old preschool, and T earlier this year. A friend's mum arranged for Kai to go over to their place last year but the Woodlands incident happened so we put it off. Recently, he went to the east for a play date which I think was his first proper play date. And he was very keen to invite friends to our house after that.

After asking me a few times, I finally acted on it a couple of weeks ago. He finalised his invitation list, and we agreed on the date - yesterday, first day of PSLE marking. All five accepted the invitation and suddenly I had eight boys at home yesterday!!

A couple brought swimwear but I was not about to monitor eight boys when there are more than one pool downstairs! So they mainly played Nintendo and hide-and-seek. Hide where? No idea, haha! But I think they had fun at the room balcony which straddles two rooms. I had to hide the gym ball under my desk lest someone played with it and rolled over...

The brothers were home coz child care was closed. And they had looked forward to the play date as well, especially Yang. It was not just because of the pizza lunch! They played with the bigger boys too, who were very nice and played with them too :)

I was mighty pleased to catch this shot :)

It just so happened that all but one boy were in a black shirt! And the one boy who was not, was wearing a bright blue shirt the colour of my boys' pants! Very coordinated. So I have very nice photos of them at play and at lunch - it was like a uniform!

Making a note here that Pizza Hut's large pizzas are not the super large ones from downstairs. The super large ones seem way more value-for-money... But ok la, they didn't even finish the two large pizzas. The nuggets were all gone though! One boy ate like nine and told me he was very full, hoho!

We were left with two friends for the last hour or so. With fewer kids, I joined them in front of the TV. They were taking turns to watch someone play Nintendo *.* until I asked them to switch to another game where they could all play together. 

I played with my younger boys - this one anyhow played

This one was even worse!

It was nice to meet Kai's friends. B and T were very sensible and quiet boys. Bubbly boy C kept making cute sounds. E and OJ were very comfortable with adults. All of them made themselves at home, as boys would do, I guess. But I think my boys were the noisiest of the lot, which probably explains why the noise level was very similar to our regular weekend despite having more than twice the number of boys!

Cleaning up was massive though. The lunch table was thankfully easy. It was the rest of the house. There were a few ice cream wrappers on the floor. The floors were sticky. The balcony doors were sticky. What's with boys and sticky hands??!

It was quite a hot day to head out too early so I fed them TV while we cleaned up a bit. Then we went downstairs in somewhat kinder weather to scoot around before heading to the foodcourt. And I was ready to crash. And crash I did - I think I slept at about 9 pm. Yang and Yu woke very late today, almost 8 am - they probably crashed too!! :p

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