Thursday 21 April 2022

Kombucha comes and kombucha goes

I started making Kombucha late last year, after trying it at YX's place and SF gave Kel and me a scoby each.

The trio ++ at that meet-up with plenty of food and kombucha

One of my first attempts in the jar from SF

Then I graduated to some new Ikea jars - one for fermentation and three for second fermentation and storage. Still brewed the tea in the metal pot sans measuring jar - just estimate using kettle markings :p

But some six months on, I decided to stop. It is yummy but I have never felt any benefits. And it takes effort every week to make a new batch - make tea, let it cool, shred apple (I like apple cinnamon for second fermentation). Not to mention they take up prime estate on my kitchen counter and in the fridge.

Couple of weeks ago, I decided to pause one week to finish up kombucha in the fridge. Just stored the tea for second fermentation but did not make a new batch. The following week, I decided not to start a new batch.

Remembered to take a picture before dumping the scoby. 

So goodbye! I shall enjoy the rest of the kombucha in the fridge. After that, I suppose I can get some cider? :p

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