Monday 5 December 2022

I'll marry you again. And again.

Today, on the 13th anniversary of our wedding celebration, we put on our new rings :)

Sito chose the pool level, and we had our kids as the ring bearers - Yu held the box, Kai dished out my ring to Sito and Yang dished out his to me.

Doesn't it look like a beautiful pool wedding? :)

And we did it twice coz the first time, Yu went to block out the video when his role was done *.* We should have known - Kai and Yang weren't the best flower boys at YQ's wedding *.*

In the past, Sito and I would go out for a nice lunch or dinner on anniversaries. But from this year, we have no helper so the kids shall go with us! And it's not a bad thing!

The planned activity was cycling! We've been wanting to try the family bike for a while, and the weather forecast was great!

We took a bus to West Coast Park. Very long ride. Yu and even I felt some motion sickness. The unfortunate thing was it rained just as we approached our stop :(

After waiting at the bus stop for a short while, we took off in a light drizzle. The timing was just right for an early lunch at Macs. We ate leisurely and waited for the rain to stop. It didn't but it was light enough for us to walk to the bicycle kiosk. 

Kai purposely hid behind Yang *.*

During the 10-min walk, Yu held my hands and walked quietly while Sito and I were chatting. Kai and Yang were in front, chatting non-stop as well. It was so... peaceful. Soft chatting, no screaming kids or parents, no shoving or fighting :)

Luckily for us, the rain soon stopped! We got a small family bike. Kai took the real steering wheel but our bike was veering dangerously! So Sito took over :p

Now, I have been the one driving all these years. Sito drove me a couple of times in Evanston, with the driving instructor next to him and me observing behind coz I was also doing the refresher course. So I was, and still am, very pleased that today, my 老公载我!

These two were chatting non-stop

I looked very happy coz I was!

All I had to do was to be happy! Happy being with my family, happy that 老公载我 for the first time in a long time, happy that I only needed energy to smile! Sito was sweating like mad peddling coz Kai didn't peddle all the time... But when he did, he was panting and drinking water madly! 

Stopped by the playground like the last time, and Sito took a break while the boys climbed the pyramid, played sand and rode on the swing. Then we went back to change to regular bikes - we had a second hour free and could switch to other bikes with top-up if needed.

Kai and Yu got to the top; Yang was more fearful of heights

Enough swings for all, including Papa!

Three training bikes and a city bike; Sito walked :p

First time I saw Sito ride a bike!

Sito said he hadn't biked for years and not this well! Eh, bike more next time leh... Tandem with me even better :)))

The clouds were getting darker as we got on the regular bikes. We biked to a roundabout and turned back. And just in time, coz as we left the kiosk, we felt the first raindrops. There was a bus stop very close by but we headed for the pavilion slightly ahead as that's near the carpark where we could get a taxi to come in.

Mistake - we could have hopped on a bus just a little bit wet. Instead, we got quite wet running from the pavilion through a muddy/wet grass patch to the taxi *.*

Little boy happily playing with the rain while waiting for the taxi

We all took a nice warm shower when we got home, ahhh.... The boys had Nintendo while Sito thought about dinner and I pottered about :p Eventually, we settled on packing YTF for dinner for the adults and chicken rice for the kids. Yu commented that it was still daytime and "is this dinner?" :p 

Mum and Dad came over to settle some admin for HDB - more on that next time. And while they were here, we discovered that the kids had busted one of two boards under Yang's mattress!!!! Luckily we have an extra bed. Sito took a good board from the extra bed and Dad pulled out the bad one for him to replace while I held up the mattress. Goodness...

The kids were exhausted and fell asleep quite quickly so we could rest as well. And thus ended our little day :)

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