Friday, 29 December 2006
Happy 2007!
First of all, NY parties! Going to Pump Room with Na this Sunday to 忘年, perhaps with "large amounts of alcohol" :p
A bōnenkai (Japanese: 忘年会, lit. "forget the year gathering") is a Japanese drinking party that takes place at the end of the year, and is generally held among groups of co-workers or friends. The purpose of the party, as its name implies, is to forget the woes and troubles of the past year, usually accomplished by consumption of large amounts of alcohol. A bōnenkai does not take place on any specific day, but they are usually held in December.
A shinnenkai (Japanese 新年会, lit. "new year gathering") is the Japanese tradition of welcoming the arrival of the new year, usually by the drinking of alcohol. A shinnenkai is generally held among co-workers or friends in early January.
Then, 新年会 is on the first day of 2007 at Kel’s with KLK, likely alcohol-free :p And I'm trying out new recipes :)
That will be followed by my birthday weekend. So far, I know of three key events: with Na, Sito and CY. Others, pls take a queue number :p
I’ll be back in the brand new 2007 with um, more of mf! Happy new year, everyone! It’s a great, happy year ahead, I’m very sure! :)
Another happy occasion!
Unravelling miso
Sito: m.. i.. sex/sexual.. orgasm..?
mf: Kek?!
CL: mf is so odd? .. mf is super odd! ^.^
mf: I'm unique la..
But White Dragon got it (almost) right: my imaginary significant other
miso = mf's imaginary significant other
mf likes acronyms :)
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Happy occasions
1) 玲妹妹出嫁了!
And the first time we met her husband was at their wedding on Sat.. I thought they were very cute, like, so shy! :p
That was the first thing; second was that HL was absolutely stunning when she was all dolled up! Should do so more often, don't waste your potential :)
The couple was of course busy floating from one table to the next, so it was towards the end when we had HL to ourselves for a short while.
When SZ got married, Kel wrote in her card that she had beaten HL to it! We were kidding about how he would write the same in SY's if SY had got married before HL! And for me, I had a joke in my mind that he might as well save the card and sms me, "when can I write in YOUR card?!" :p
2) SY 也嫁人了!
To prevent Kok from objecting to SY's marriage, we showed up only at the end of the solemnisation; we all know of Kok's longstanding crush on the bride, oooh.. :p But honestly, we were just inexcusably late, a full car of six very sorry friends *pout*
Second pretty bride in a month already. I was very inspired; I would go for a bridal makeover!!
The newlyweds were made to sing, and they did - how sweet :) They were almost made to dance too!
Later, we were talking rubbish again. Apparently I had been "upgraded" from ISLB to ISUB since SY, the standard ISUB, is now married..! Then we were driving past Changi village when we started talking about transvestites and how pretty they could be. Somehow the guys asked Kok to choose between a transvestite and me.. I stared at Kok :p Then when they learnt how they grew breasts, they offered to get me oestrogen for my birthday! Gaar!
PS: Sadly, no pictures.. My camera died just before HL's wedding and when it was revived, I forgot to charge my battery for SY's wedding! Will you girls send us photos, pretty pls? :)
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Took this test at CY's place last Sat:
You are the World
Completion, Good Reward.
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.
The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Thursday, 21 December 2006
I confess my deepest fear
The first time was when I was 13 or 14. Everyone was having dinner, including little Ting whom Mother was taking care of at that time. No longer remember why but I wasn't at the table. I looked on from the side like an outsider; they looked happy without me.
Then I was 20 or 21, at one of those memorable yet forgettable gatherings at Gloucester Green, memorable cos they were (mostly) happy; forgettable cos that's just how it's like when you spend happy times with friends. But in one unforgettable evening, I found everyone talking in small groups and l couldn't fit in anywhere. Loneliness had suddenly hit when it hurt most.
26 now, and I was once again haunted by this terrible feeling. But being 26 (and going to 27), and I hope, with a bit more sense between my ears, I'm looking upon all these incidents, optimistically, as a lesson for me, a lesson that I should have learnt through other less significant incidents but that has never been more clearly etched in my mind than lately.
In the end, I must be the most dependable person to myself. To become that, I need to grow up, I need to be stronger. And - I've never done this before but I've also been too naive and taking things for granted - I need to harden myself a bit more so that I'm no longer easily affected by external factors or haunted by the ghosts of the past. I should also stop clowning myself; no point doing all the above only to have people not take me seriously or taking me for granted.
I look deep inside me for the strength to help me do that.
Friday, 1 December 2006
CY's very happy birthday
That's JK with my egg mayo..

That's CY and mf showing off melted choc on Gardenia!

"Put your head on my shoooulder.."

CY: Can't get FM93.3..
mf: I try... There..
CY, JK: Got to hold it leh.. Statue of Liberty!
mf: Where's the Declaration?
*Chums pass newspapers to mf*

CY's rabbit pose with mf's brandmark pose

JK's "omg" pose with none other than mf's brandmark pose again!

Aiyoh so cute! :p

I have a wicked caption for this but nvm! :p

Can't help but feel like a sneering hyena!

Wa liao, I've never seen CY looking so.. dodgy!

Des joined us at Coffee Beans

First we tried to smooch..

Then we hugged! (And almost broke my back)

And the guys did a copy-cat..

We cycled to Des's Chalet. The guys helped CY with her bag and looked like a couple of aunties :p

Hardly a year went by without me assuming some ghost pose *.*

A decent shot.. But that doesn't look like JK's hand..

And we went crazy again!

Des: Come, take a photo..
mf: Ok.. Boy, I feel thin next to you..
And I get my retribution..

(I cheated; I cropped this one - shorts were, um, too short to cover my big fat thighs! :p)
Ok la, a proper one.. (Really, I'm thin here right? :p)

After gorging the whole day, Des couldn't take it and started foaming at the mouth..

CY and I were rather tired the whole day but it was so much fun! :) We should do this again, maybe my birthday? Oh d'oh, you just hit 26 and I'm on the bullet train to 27 already :p