We went for a photography session on 2 March - free from the baby spa package. Ended up spending $60 to get two additional photos - he's just too cute! Post later when we get the photos..
Fed him on the way back. Yes, that was at a MRT platform! And no, no staff came to say "no drinking"! Well, I dare you....!

We decided to give him a bath in the big boy tub now that he could sit properly! Purposely chose this blur shot to protect his decency :p

The next day, we brought him to the baby spa - his first time this year I think... He wasn't terribly happy.. Also shaved his head. It was a good shave. So good that I told the lady to cut off everything instead saving the top for some style :p But he started bawling halfway through the shave, bah...
Decided to head for a showflat at Clementi. The location is great but it has a bomb shelter instead of an utility room.. And it's expensive!
As ZK had fallen asleep, I stayed with him in the car while Sito and my in-laws went to the temple. But guess what, he woke! So we had some fun in the car, out of his car seat!
Eh? What is this place?

Heh, quite fun :)

What? You think I'm cute? *innocent*

Kekekeke! Mama seems happy!

Now, give me that thing in your hand...

Gimme gimme gimme!

Hahaha! Don't be flustered, Mama! I'm only kidding!

Huh? Is that it? We're not playing anymore?

Ahhh! Mama, you tricked me! You're still playing!

He is now able to sit very well. But crawling.. Well, he could move forward, just that I'm not sure if that's called crawling! If it's a soft surface, he would kind of bury his face as he moves along! That's our 埋头-kun :) And sometimes, he looks like he's clawing with his hands to pull himself forward... So long as he gets to where he wants!

Was on some special duty last Wednesday and didn't get home until 12.30 am, feeling super pissed at the slow work that evening. But ZK happened to stir - I went in, saw him look up at me, and I melted. I touched his little cheeks and picked him up. But I didn't manage to put him back to sleep - Sito did! Woohoo! My amazing husband morphed into an amazing papa last week - he settled ZK so many times! I'm so proud of him! :)
Thursday, a little nightmare* came true - the lift was down! I had wheeled ZK in his stroller to the lift so we had to go home to change into the carrier. What a workout going to school! And that day I was at a conference in town. Had a quick facial and came back to fetch him - without a stroller or carrier! My arms nearly broke.. But I think I'm stronger now than before...
* The big nightmare is if the lift breaks down when we're coming back from IFC..!
That night, actually early the next morning at 4 am, I woke to the sound of little hands slapping the play mat. I rushed in to find him one whole bed width away from his bed, belly down on the floor, with his bolster still on top of him! Quite a funny sight :p
Last week, I took out his Gap cap again. It used to be too big but it's just right now!
I'm too cool to look at the camera.

Now I'm too cool to look at you, Mama.

What? No ice cream for me?! ... Mama, that milk shake will make you faaaaat! *revenge*

We had lunch with CW, SSY and V-jiejie at Relish before moving to Island Creamery across the road, where we took lots of funny shots and videos:
I didn't mean to be rude! I didn't know I'm not supposed to stick out my middle finger!! Let me pull my ear to punish myself...

Sito has a classic line here: 为什么你让女孩子主动?! :p
And they seem to be communicating well...
Source: SSY
Now food.. Gave him a slice of apple again two Sundays ago - he was gnawing noisily at it!
Made porridge for him for the first time on 2 March - this was the only time I added a carrot leftover from making the stock.

But I made too much - used three tablespoons of uncooked rice. I ended up eating most of it *.* It wasn't until last Saturday that he finished all but two teaspoons of the porridge from 1.5 tablespoons of uncooked rice - I was so happy! But the next morning, he gave me not-so-cute adult poop!!
I started him on flashcards yesterday. Yes, call me kiasu! But I think he likes it!
Every morning, I'll give him a teething ring. Within minutes, that will fall to the floor. With nothing else holding his attention, I come in with the flashcards! Yesterday, he looked away halfway through the second round but looked back when I stopped. Today, he looked curiously at the flashcards :)
Every evening, I'll put him on our bed while I change into home clothes before changing him for bed. Yesterday, I disrupted the routine with flashcards - in DVD form! This is the Chinese version. But he was more interested in the laptop than the content on the screen! Well, I'll try and try again..
He had a bit of a cough and running nose on Saturday. By Monday, he was fine but the parents came down with the same, sighs.. Hope we're all super healthy in my next baby update!
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