So I hopped by the clinic on my way back. Turned out that the results needed a review. So I got a queue number, dropped off my bags and unlocked Kai's laptop for him, and returned to the clinic again.
The doctor this time was an elderly chap. He said that the bacteria found was resistant to the antibiotics given then, and advised me to bring Yu in for another urine test, just to be sure the bacteria was gone.
It was about 4 pm then. I went straight to school to collect him after calling them to make him drink more water. He happily watched GeGe play FarmVille and had some jelly beans. But he didn't want to pee until I told him that we could go to the doctor only after he had peed, hmmm...
We sat at the corner for a short while until a patient came out. I saw that he was elderly on a walking stick, and shifted Yu to the next seat so that the uncle could sit down easily. But our fate with this uncle didn't end there..
We were next. Yu let the doc check his tummy. Such a good boy. LNY is coming up, just like Christmas the last time, so the doctor put the urine test as urgent, and told me to call in to check in case it was missed again!
When we came out, Yu happily went back to the same seat and sat there quietly, watching the cartoon on the TV outside of the clinic through its glass wall. Then suddenly, the old uncle pulled out a $5 note to give Yu, "for chocolates". He insisted despite my attempts to say no thank you. So in the end, I let Yu take it.
And then his attention went back to the cartoon
After we left the clinic, he wanted to stay for the cartoon. I managed to drag him away but we had to pass by a toy machine. He had been asking about the money, what this for? I told him it was his first hongbao of the year. He could let me keep it for him. But he saw a picture on the machine with sample dollar notes and said that the money could be used there!
I told him that it was very difficult to grab a toy! But he wanted to do so. I let him. We played six games and of course caught nothing. Then he asked for his money back! *.* He was very sad all the way home and cried silently. Poor thing. When I had to leave to pick Yang up, he cried out. Sighs.
Gimme a toy!
I called the clinic yesterday. No results. Today, I called in sick due to a cough and headache, and called the clinic again when I woke close to noon. It was in so I went down to see the doctor for myself too.
So glad the results were clear this time! But I still complained to the doctor - the first result slip indicated that a doctor had called me for review on 6 Jan but my phone showed no calls from the clinic that day. Their system also had no records that a doctor called me to review.
Got two calls from MOM about A's work permit delivery though
As for me, nothing serious, just the common cold but it is awful. I got some medicine for cough and phlegm and inflammation plus two days of MC. Self-medicate for running nose and headache - save money. But my blood pressure is very low - 75/60. That was the second test; the machine showed error for the first test :p A doctor once told me others could have fainted already at this reading! I still went to buy more milk to last through the long weekend.
Shall sleep some more while waiting for Kai to come back...