Tuesday 28 September 2010

CIM Ball

The CIM Ball last Saturday kind of spelt the end of orientation. We had a pre-pre-party at a friend’s place, and a pre-party on a party trolley to Venue One@Chicago! Plenty of booze and music :p

Our KWEST group used the 1920s theme again, and this time, we were better prepared – randomly bought a fedora and long gloves at a costume shop when we went shopping for winter coats at an outlet mall:

Ok, wasn’t wearing my gloves here but you can see Sito’s fedora and his beng beng chain he got a few years ago :)

Was my hairdo nice? :)

And our trolley!

With all the pre-parties, some chaps were already drunk by the time CIM Ball started *.* And Mr Sito was all red by then too :p

I only had a little bit to drink...

That's Dave - he decided to drink with me when he saw me with the bottle. Me, who usually doesn't drink with them!

And, to redeem myself, there were only about two tablespoons of champagne left when I took it :p

Update 22 Oct 2010

Suddenly realised that I didn't talk about CIM Ball itself :) Well, I guess it was just an extension of the trolley but with more people and in a much bigger space.. When Sito went out for air, I went into the dance floor, talked to a few JVs, and finally plonked my ass on a chair just before the lights came on.. Um, not very happening since I didn't drink *.*

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