ZK had his first taste of rice cereal on 22 Dec!

But it was too watery so he had some Sophie instead...

That wasn't the first solids he had, of course. Just a week ago, he tried some pure corn juice from my cup :p
And one week later, he gave me his "Apple?!" face!

Well, the apple was obviously not satisfying enough...

Found some apple bits in his poop the next morning. I wasn't too sure so I gave him more apple - he had 1/8 of a steamed apple! - that morning! True enough, a lot more apple in his poop the next morning!!
That day was half-day at the centre. He had a lot of cereal and didn't manage to take his second bottle so Papa gave that to him at home. He can hold his bottle on his own now!

And then he wanted more. So here's a rice cracker for you my dear!

Tried to give him some water after that but nop, he wasn't having any of that tasteless stuff!
"See how fast I can eat!"
So we thought we could have our new year dinner in peace if we gave him some rice cracker. We thought wrong. He finished a cracker in less than three minutes *.* Faster than in the video! And he had two of those, realised there was no more and kicked up a fuss! Anyway, that was the first time he sat in a restaurant high chair - in Crystal Jade.

ZK faced outward for the first time in his carrier - off to TPY for family gathering!

That was a good day. That evening, Sito even carried him on his shoulders. And the little imp made a funny face behind him!

The little one fell asleep while we were out on Xmas eve. The head looked a little awkward so I had Sito support it..

"Actually, my butt is pretty small, heh heh!"

He developed some nasty rash near his anus so I let him go diaper free on Xmas morning!
Put the diaper back on when we headed out to Harbourfront - that's the family on the MRT :)

We meant to go to Sentosa but wow, that was a popular Xmas destination! So we turned around to the baby spa instead. Good choice - he was so happy that day!

So happy that he let us take photos of him during his bath, peacefully. This is our little yellow riding hood :)

So he has been sleeping in weird positions since he could flip and turn. This was one of the best:

And another one - he fell off his mattress, got caught between the sleep positioner and stayed asleep. My evil ploy worked wahahahaha!

"Merry Christmas! Ain't I cute? :)"

Started him on a brushing routine lately. The introduction on a happy new year morning went very well..

Fed him 1/4 of a banana that morning. He seemed to like it better than apples..
The extended family went to the Gardens by the Bay that day. But I think the highlight of the day was when Grandpa was carrying him.
"Hmmm, this is a new position.."

And what's that look?! Are you 孙悟空?!"

His latest trick is standing. He loves it! Even when he was ill! And he's pretty good at that too *proud* But hey, little one, learn to sit and crawl first, ok... I think he's getting to the crawling stage soon. Lately, he has been able to pivot on his belly to get to places. He would even kick and lift his legs to try to move forward. Oh, and he can flip towards his left too now.
Yet another milestone is that he can go without night feeds now! I started by reducing his night feed as a test. He seemed to be not hungry at all. So one night, I just patted him back to sleep and that was it! He woke on 4 Jan morning happy and not hungry! But with his recent illness, he had to nurse for comfort sometimes..
First day of school in the new year! Wearing his new Snoopy clothes:

My boys, reading :) A most relaxing activity on a weekend after a (not so) long week in school/at work!

Sofa time turned out to be very funny :)
Next was a dinner for Mama who wanted some angmoh food for her grand 33rd. Ended up with pseudo angmoh food - HK-style spaghetti at Xin Wang.

It was good enough. But the dessert was delightful! The top part collapsed halfway but Sito saved the ice cream!!

But poor ZK fell ill that weekend - first illness! :( He was coughing slightly on Saturday and on Sunday, he started to run a fever. We went to a clinic in Clementi and was told to bring him in again on Tuesday if the fever remained high. $109 as Sunday fees are higher. The fever went down but on Wednesday, it came up again so we went to NUH A&E.
The staff there were so nice! They were friendly and kind, and the check-up was very complete. The PD asked many questions, listened to his breathing etc and told us he had bronchiolitis. As his fever came up after going down, she ordered a blood test in case of secondary infection and an x-ray to check his lungs. Thankfully, everything was alright. Consultation and medicine came up to $132, just a little bit more than on Sunday!
So last week was very stressful for me, physically, mentally and emotionally. It just wasn't sustainable to take leave for every day that he was ill. I was already away from office for three days in my first six days! So after taking two days of leave on days he was really unwell, I asked Mum to help out.
See, so poor thing :(

As it was difficult to administer his medicine - he would struggle and he could spit out liquid! -, we had to get an extra pair of hands on two days when I was at work. That was a nightmare - reminder to self to find a few ad hoc babysitters for situations like this.. And as Sito was overseas, Mum even came over at 11 pm on Wednesday and left after his 3 am puff! Sito returned to Singapore after that and took over. Since then, we have learnt to give him the puff while he was asleep, phew!
Went back to NUH outpatient clinic for a review last Saturday. Definitely better but he has lost weight :( only 7.4 kg now :( But he's so long now - 67 cm!
Yesterday, he was finally happy and alert. But Sito and I were both down. Mum took him for the afternoon so that we could rest. It helped a lot! But I missed his laughter - he was so happy and fun that morning! During his illness, I made up a little song "squawky baby" cos he kept squawking. Yesterday, I sang the song to "happy baby" instead and that stayed as a earworm the whole of today hoho!
Just now, he had difficulty falling asleep but thankfully, he has been asleep without stirring except for two bouts of coughing. I wasn't able to give him his phlegm medicine as he was too cranky to attempt any feeding except from my factory..
Time to go pump before going to bed...
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