I was speechless.
I was in shock.
Then, I remembered what Yan told me about the cost of Chanel bags and I was in fear - I might get mugged on the streets for this! Haha!
I was gripped by a mix of emotions that I'm experiencing all over again as I type!
So I gingerly opened the nicely packaged bag. I think 包装文化 is a waste of resources but I must admit that opening up a beautifully wrapped present is very exciting.. What's inside?!

Well, it's obviously a bag! But I must get to it layer by layer..
Even the bag holding the bag looks like a flap bag.

My new bag! For the anniversary of our wedding party and my grand 34th :)

Sito knows me well - black, classic design, all leather and easy to maintain. And he told me about all the little compartments of the bag, as related to him by the sales person - this is to hold money for tipping; this is for lipstick; this is for secret letters. Huh? Haha!
To be honest, I was in so much shock last night that after opening it, I could only tell Sito, yes, I like it, no need to exchange. But now, I can't wait to wear it!! I promise I will do better than tee and sweat pants in order to go with the bag..
Hmm, this must sound really sua ku but well, I'm sua ku what hoho!
Funny how my (ex-)colleagues and I were talking about buying nice bags over lunch yesterday. I didn't say it but I was thinking, I don't need to buy bags cos Sito has got me nicer bags than I've ever bought for myself.
But we agreed that he wouldn't have to buy me a bag for at least 10 years. Perhaps forever..? I'm very contented :)
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