ZK plucked the peacock off its tail :(

Only the tail is left now!! There are small prints of each animal on the facing page. So when I pointed out to him that “这里有鸟鸟,这里鸟鸟 no more了”, he would point to the small peacock and then do the gesture for no more at the tail area. Very fun :)
Two weekends ago, Sito couldn't come back until Saturday night so we went to the indoor playground on Saturday afternoon where he spent quite some time in the ball pit - quite happy :)

ZK managed to climb up the sofa on his own that weekend. But the bay window remains a challenge! A little bit taller, baby :)

Monday night - Meh Meh happened to be looking at the camera :) The heap next to her is of course my baby..

ZK's Halloween fun pack from school - candies and a cobra *.*

Sito left the TV remote control on the sofa last Saturday night. ZK found it the next morning and thought he could control his DVD flashcards *.* You've got the idea!

Sunday morning nap for my boys.. After leaving a streak of gooey stuff on the bottom end of my duvet the day before, the younger boy found it fit to balance things out by leaving a sweat/saliva combo patch on the head end - and on my pillow, no less!

Tried to take a photo of him for his India visa - have I mentioned we're going to India yet? We ARE GOING TO INDIA!!! :)
Anyway, look at his monkey face!

Cute but still a monkey! (Who has two ears - his right is just more prominent and his left hidden :p)

Why, when some other kids know how to look at camera and pose, you like to poke your finger on the lens?!

I love you anyway :)
Took so many photos but only one was usable. Hope they won't be too strict about photos of toddlers..
I was on leave yesterday and went shopping - bought so much! - before sending ZK for his MMRV and Hep A vaccinations. The latter was to prepare for the India trip. Now I'm keeping watch in case of fever - I've heard too many cases of fever after MMRV! Keeping fingers crossed..
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