Friday, 26 April 2024

Kai's first pimples

My Kai is growing up so quickly.

Last night, I came into our room after settling Yang and Yu to find Kai doing a science paper on our bed. Then I saw some red dots on the hairline above his right temple. He said they were there for some time and he popped them!

Gosh, how come I never knew?!!

He said they were also on his scalp. So it looks like he has inherited pimples from Sito *.* I do get pimples - in fact, I have an unprecedented number of pimples on my face now (five) but I got my first pimple when I was 18.

Sito was applying aloe vera gel to his pimples on his scalp while I was teaching Kai how to wash his scalp properly ("yes, I know, you told me") so just nice, gave him a dollop of aloe vera.

So cute.. So poor thing but so cute :)

Two months to 12yo, he's already 160cm. According to a random online calculator, he is expected to hit 187cm based on his current age, height and weight (46kg) combined with Sito and my height. Well, we shall see!

PS: This boy scared me half to death this morning. Usually, he's up when I get up, probably due to my phone alarm. But today, he was asleep. I like him to sleep more so I continued my prep. Then his alarm went off. I expected him to jump up but nope, nothing. At the third ring, I went in to find him motionless in bed. I patted his shoulder and called his name. He didn't move! Wa liao, I shook him harder! Thank goodness, he finally jumped up. Yes, he's two months to 12yo, but I'm no less paranoid.

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