25 April
ZK opened his mouth for the toothbrushes! Yes, two toothbrushes! One was a training toothbrush whose bristles had been bitten off here and there, and the other was a rubber one that should go on my finger but ended up over his training toothbrush, if that makes any sense at all...
Perfect chance to examine his gums through all that giggling. And I did find his right lateral incisor and right bottom molar peeking through his bottom gums!
My baby is so much more smiley now compared to his early days :) And what a lovely smile he has! :)
26 April
Put up a koi streamer for ZK :) It's so much better than the homemade one last year - and it's only $2. No prize for guessing where I got it from :p
Sito lined the blocks horizontally and caught ZK's interest. He lined them up and pushed them around like trains - boys!
We ended up at Waraku@Vivocity for dinner. ZK had curry udon! I tried to cut up my chicken cutlet for him but he pointed to it and went "big" *.* So I gave him a chunk to hold in his hand - he ate it!
He entertained himself with Sito's wallet and cards while waiting for food. He was being very OCD about aligning the cards and pushing them off into my hands *.*
He was fussing at the end of dinner and the staff gave him a pack of six airplanes! He was happy! I gave him one to play with and he swiftly broke a wing *.*
There was some dance thing just outside the restaurant and we stopped to watch a bit. Then, ZK started dancing in Papa's arms! He has been dancing to the radio at home too. And with good rhythm ok!
Looking grouchy here...
28 April
Cockroach in the house early in the morning :( This was the second one already! The first was tiny but this one was bigger! I told ZK to stay on the sofa with me while Y got rid of the pest. ZK said "cockroach... 要!" *.*
The reno upstairs must be driving the pests everywhere :( But just this Monday morning, I woke to find a cockroach in the bedroom - that was probably due to the downpour at dawn. ZK also 要...
30 April
My poor baby was looking down at my old phone and walked into the edge of the door frame :( The spot bulged up almost immediately. I felt so 心痛! Y said the swelling would go down the next day - and it did. But that night, I had a big scare when I was googling about bumps to the head. ZK suddenly had a running nose after the bump. I read how brain
1 May
He messed up the meesua box! I can't remember whether he started throwing them away or I told him to *.*
And on this day, I saw him eat his own boogers *.* We were on the train to Kel's place. He was quite well-behaved despite the long journey. He even sang the whole "twinkle twinkle little star"! And then, he dug something out and ate it! He dug out another bit but I caught it in time and wiped it off him. He said 要 *.*
I was a little sad that he could manage twinkle but not the Mandarin version - after all the Mandarin I spoke in almost two years, he seems better at English after being in playgroup for a few months!
He snacked a lot at Kel's place - OCK curry puff, yam cake, spring roll, chiffon cake, brownies. And he didn't nap until we got on the cab - by then he was awake for some eight hours! Record! He woke some time after we met the rest of the family at Serangoon Gardens to celebrate Dad's birthday.
What's going on??
Caught this at the end of a smile as the candle was blown - he was starting to enjoy it when it ended!
But wait, there's still the yummy chocolate cake! The staff were very nice - gave him first and a big piece at that!
On this day, he said his first four-letter word: 还没有到 :) It sounded more like 还谬到 for 还没到!
Later I realised he said bear bear biscuit before but well, that has a repeated word :p
3 May
We had a good dinner at the new ramen place downstairs. Good as in ZK ate very well! :) Then he went dancing in Cold Storage to some latin tunes. I think he likes Spanish - the next day, he was dancing to the ABC song in Spanish. Was it because I was learning Spanish in early pregnancy?? :)
Sang twinkle to him in Mandarin and realised he knew the Mandarin version too! Just not the whole thing, but still, phew!
6 May
This morning, we let him sleep on our bed after he woke and started banging on his door, refusing to go back to sleep. And he slept until 7.30 am!
He woke well rested and happy, and became happier when he saw a door at our lift landing and another downstairs!
This day, the school invite Queenstown NPC to teach the kids about the police! Teacher D sent me a picture of ZK wearing a police cap - no wonder he has been quite keen to wear his cap these days! I saw more pictures in school - the older kids got to sit in the policy car! So fun :)
Source: Teacher D
7 May
I was teaching him about tails - Penguin has a tail, DD has a tail, MM has a tail; does ZK have a tail? He would touch his backside ^.^ This evening, I asked him if the giraffe on his wall decal had a tail, and he pointed to its tail!
10 May
Sorted out his work from school this morning while he was in school. My fave:
The other day, he suddenly said what sounded like "doctor" - be my guest! Haha!
Spent some time at home colouring - love it when he says "colour paper" :)
He started singing the complete ABC song - in tune but with funny pronunciations and oh so cute! It would have been even cuter if he had sung it during normal waking time, not when he was supposed to nap!
We had dinner at JPot and he was very very happy after that, running around in Vivocity and screaming happy little screams!
Of course he was happy - he ate almost all the pho that came with the set! We had to go out for some carbs after settling him in bed. But before that, we gave him a disastrous haircut with a new hair shaver that just arrived this morning :(
13 May
Vesak Day! Went to AhYee's place for Gramps' death anniversary rites. Managed to catch up with the cousins cos ZK took a nice little nap! And when he woke, he impressed everyone by feeding himself *proud mama*
We went home to rest and play. ZK brought back a second Hello Kitty toy from Macs so we gave it to ZK - it was just nice for him as it was a monkey! I'm keeping My Melody :p I stuffed the kitty into ZK's shirt :p
Then it was time for Mum's birthday dinner. By now, I have taught ZK the happy birthday song and having to blow the candle out so he enjoyed himself a lot!
19 May
Found the bottom left lateral incisor and molar :)
This week
He's still sleeping on the floor *.* Usually, he goes down...
Then, he moves...
I ask him every evening where he should sleep at night - he would point to the door or the floor :( And two Sundays ago, he decided that he wanted to nap on our floor too!
And also on his...
Besides sleeping on the floor, he has also taken to coming over into our bed in the morning. I really wonder how he knows it's near morning already and refused to go back to sleep! Cos in the middle of the night, he always gets up, quietly brings all his toys to the door and sleeps there! I saw him do that once. And then I also saw him wake up, bring everything back to his bed, and start banging at the door *.*
Here's a shot of him with his kitty, I think...
Sito left for Hong Kong on Monday. Tuesday morning, when he came onto our bed, I told him to stay still and wait for me while I went to shhh shhh. He went "怕怕" so I comforted him that it was ok but then he stared at Sito's spot and repeated himself. Then I realised he was saying Papa! Told him Papa was away and went to the toilet. Needless to say, he followed.. And he stood at the toilet - I had to keep the door open so he wouldn't cry, yup... This morning, he told me to go shhh shhh the moment we left his room *.*
Ah well, we are quite fine with him coming into our bed in the morning. It's quite nice to have him with us - when he isn't abusing either or both of us! It's particularly good if it buys him more sleep. And with 小马哥 on the way, letting him lie with us in the morning may help quench any fear of being relinquished of his baby position. He's still our baby, our big baby :)
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