Sunday 7 April 2019

A&E again!

Barely two weeks passed, and we were back to the A&E! This time, it was for Sito.

It was about 5.15 am yesterday morning. I woke somehow, to see at least Yu and Kai were in our bed. Sito was clutching his leg. I thought a kid kicked him. Then he went out. I found him in Kai's room. He was having some pain around his ribs and was clutching his legs coz it felt better.

I left him to sleep but I couldn't. What goes across the whole body that could be painful? Diaphragm? I googled and gosh, diaphragm tear. Not serious on its own but he could have had blunt injury from the kids.

When morning came, his pain was more on his right. We decided to skip Yang's music class, leave the three monkeys at home and head for A&E. Took the train coz no cab.

As expected, it was quite deserted at the adult A&E; few chao keng cases on a Saturday! The children A&E was more crowded but less so than weekdays, probably fewer school injuries??

Anyway, we didn't wait long to see the doctor who did a physical examination before ordering a blood test and an x-ray. Waiting for the results took about an hour. Turned out everything looked fine, phew! Probably a muscle strain then.

I googled for injuries due to co-sleeping and SIDS etc came up. You mean parents don't get hurt from co-sleeping? Not much time to google coz we also got medicine in record time. Got back to BP in time to get lunch for the kids.

We chose NUH again though it wasn't the nearest hospital. We are more familiar with it. We thought when we're old, we should stay somewhere near a hospital. Really 大吉利是 but seriously, we were glad we were in Holland when Yang's febrile fits happened!

Also, I realised it's scarier to see Sito than the kids go to A&E. At least I know what to do with fever, febrile fits and sore eyes. But Sito's causes are all so internal I couldn't! May everyone stay healthy and happy....

Doing his best with the kids today :)

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