Pseudo Hermione here watched with two pseudo Harry Potters Kel and Na! Where was my Ron? :p
Anyway, I enjoyed it very much! Even though they thought it wasn't as good as the previous ones, even though the movie omitted a lot of stuff.. I just like the feeling the whole HP thing gives me, it's the experience of being brought across to this fascinating world of magic and imagination! Like Ron said, what's life without some dragons? :)
1) How Ron has grown! I think he could be quite good looking sans that horrible hair..
2) HP too, the round specs are making him look a bit silly cos his eyes are actually getting quite intense
3) Hermione has lost her baby fats and with them, a bit of the cuteness, sighs..
4) Cedric is WOW! Pity we won't be seeing him no more
5) Cho, well, she could be prettier
6) Ginny's character is building up - kiv
7) And I like Neville! He's so.. Neville? Heh!
Oh, there wasn't much laughter in the show right? Don't recall HP's toothy smile.. Now have to wait for the next movie - and of course the next book! Kel asked me what would happen after that? I won't have anything to look forward to?!
That's one reason for meow, conceived as I was reading the sixth book a few months back. Just wondering what my life would be like if I had special powers.. Stemming from the occasional feeling of being powerless in real life perhaps? Anyway, mf doodles on until ideas for her parallel life run dry!
PS: I'm off to Taipei tomorrow! But I have, outstanding, 30 more para of paper to vet through, a house party tonight, AND an empty suitcase. Bless me and my beauty sleep.. Updates when I come back..
Update 19 Nov 05 (very early in the morning..)
Oops, I was talking to Joyce earlier on and realised I missed out something: I can't get over Harry trying to smile at Cho but um, releasing juice instead! I think I like HP more than Ron in this one..
And, Na and I were crazy; danced with Chicken Little just before the show! But she did it better cos the girl memorised the whole damn thing!
have a blast in taiwan! - zain