That's ZR and Jon doing the HP and Malfoy thing at their grad ceremony. A tourist walked by and saw them when they first did it and begged them to pose for her camera :p

Now, mf as Hermione with precious Crookshanks! And of course with Dor as Snow White. So sweet right? She had the perfect red apple and even a bird singing on her finger - I want..
Before Hermione, I was considering:
1) Some dark angel, ie not the sweet and pretty white - can look pretty too! But doesn't feel mf enough..
2) A Chinese ghost from an old Hong Kong movie, acted by Anita Mui - like that very much but I'll need to alter my cheongsam to get a higher slit - troublesome..
2) Chun-li - yes, that street fighter girl, but I'll need to buy a - what? - D cup bra and stuff it with tissue paper to look the part.. Um, nice thought :p but troublesome too..
3) Some witch - Kel had always said I looked like one o_O no no..
Hence the idea for Hermione for this Halloween - I like! Picture doesn't show very well - I forgot to take a full shot of myself - but that's my scholar's gown over sub-fusc, except I had changed the black ribbon for red and gold (ok, yellow), Gryffindor's colours, and the skirt was different from the one I wore for finals years back.
Anyway, the world must have gathered at Zouk that night - the queue was too damn long! I joined Ultimo in the Phuture queue just past ten. Sito and HW soon joined us as a Chinese ghost and a bunny girl.

JD arrived after Dor as a vampire who had lost his right fang.. And this is one friendly smiley vampire ok..

I think it was midnight when they announced that tickets for Phuture were no more and we walked two steps to the Zouk queue but the same thing happened after a while and no, we were so NOT going to join the Velvet queue! We migrated to the hotel lounge for a drink instead..
On the way..

My poor shoe! The sole came off totally! (And that was JD's foot..) Then when I went to the bathroom to dump the sole, I had a Mentos moment: the other sole was feeling loose so I tore it off! :p Later I also saw that even the leather part of my shoes was peeling off too, a bit sad that my lovely finals shoes were going but well, one less pair of shoes for Mother to nag me on..
Saw some celebs at the hotel lounge, including Fiona Xie, Kel's dream girl! You should have come with us :p Ultimo said David Gan would be appalled at the state of my hair, but hey, I'm no celeb, just good old mf :)
Played some card tricks at the lounge for a while before we left the lounge to check out Zouk again but guess what - there was still a queue! Ridiculous.. We split!
And - this doesn't happen every day ok - a vampire sent me back :p

We even said hi to the people in the car next to us at a junction - very funny, heh!
Overall, a bit sian we didn't manage to go in but the dressing up was fun! But next year we all must wear as little as possible cos it was too damn hot queueing out there..
Oh btw, check this space on 17 Nov for something I've been nursing for a while :p Hope I can roll it out by then..
PS: Kel sent me a quiz and man, too much of a coincidence??

Which HP Kid Are You?
Glad you enjoyed your Halloween!