Saturday 5 November 2005

There are no ugly people II

CF: There are no ugly women, only lazy ones

(Oh yes, cross ref - learn from Na :p)

1) Shapeless T-shirts are NOT for every single occasion. They may be good for hiding flab but they can make people look sloppy, especially guys. Unfair but yes. It's fitted T-shirt any day. And pls don't get me started on tucking in T-shirts..

2) Colours should be coordinated. Totally contrasting colours can only be carried off by the right kind of LOOKS AND PERSONALITY. And don't keep wearing skin tone - easy to match but too boring, not to mention they can make people look washed out.

3) Ladies, I think normal (ie non-frizzy!) leg hair is acceptable but do something about armpit hair!! Saw this pretty girl walk into the train - nice - then she grabbed the overhead handrail and I went "ewe!"

4) Shirts are always a good idea but fitted ones are for those with some shape to begin with. Huggable people are ok :) but for once, the skinny ones are disadvantaged cos it's hard to fill the shirt up nicely..

5) Hair needs to be maintained unless you have rebonded hair. Guys should quit going for $5 school boy haircuts and get a proper hairstyle.

6) Make-up makes a difference, especially on a bad day, eg morning after a late night. Essential for pale people.

7) First criteria for shoes: must look good to go with the rest of outfit! If they are sensible too, wow, it's a bonus :p

8) Don't clutter with too many accessories - max one eye-catching item. And guys can look good with the right accessories too..

9) Bags - a signature piece or simply something to go with outfit.

Finally, don't hunch; walk confidently and happily - we'll be a city of beautiful and happy people :)

This is a prep for mf to go shopping for nice stuff ^_^

1 comment:

  1. more $5 haircut anymore..even neighbourhood barber charges $9
