Monday 20 March 2006

Lunching in today

CY and I had curry for lunch yesterday, courtesy of Mother who used to protest against "heaty" food like curries especially when we were down with coughs and colds. But well, she decided to cook curry despite my coughs yesterday, weird.

We went to town together, me for waltz, she for hair colour.

mf: Why are you colouring your hair? Still brown leh.. And not much has grown out..
CY: The colour is not obvious!
mf: Err, ok.. Actually your hair is very black.. Wa, very very black indeed..

We split for our respective business, she watching me roll my eyes with my parting statement, almost at peace with her decision to colour her - yes, very black - hair :p

Shifu: mf, you know what? Your legs are not together when you spin, try again..
*mf makes conscious effort to close legs fully on the & before 3*
Shifu: Yes! More balanced, right? *Smile*
mf: Have problem bringing my knees together in other steps too..
Sito: Too much sex in London..?
mf: *Blink blink* I wish..

Met CY after dance. Ok, her hair colour became much lighter :p I attempted suicide by ordering nasi lemak, followed by some tapioca cakes in the pathetic pasar malam nearby. That might explain why my sexy, husky voice is still with me now.. At least my throat isn't hurting.. But I need to recover asap, I still want my sweet voice, and the ability to speak in kawaii tone without going off-pitch or totally soundless!

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