For the first time in many years, I had to work on my birthday cos of a recce trip for an event. But these highlights of my day made the sucky work feeling disappear:
1) Lunch date with Sito
We had wanted a steamboat dinner but the logistics of putting ZK in bed and sneaking out for a late dinner were just too daunting on a weeknight. And I had a sudden craving for dumplings so we went to Lao Beijing near my workplace instead. And then we got a cup of Yami yogurt each and walked through Novena looking at random stuff like blankets and people eating ramen. It felt like a couple of school kids on a sweet little date :)
2) ZK clinging onto me in school
Like yesterday, ZK refused to walk from the stroller to the door. He wanted me to carry him. And once I carried him up, he leaned his little head on my shoulder and hugged me tight. It was a most heavenly feeling. Unfortunately, he started whimpering as we neared the door and when the teacher carried him over, he was trying so hard to cling onto me as he cried - so heartbreaking! But Mama must work.. And ZK is a strong boy - he will adapt...
3) ZK running to me
I came home late as I was caught in a jam. I called out to ZK when I came in and he walked out from Y's room with her phone *.* I stooped down and asked him to come to me. He slowly walked towards me and said something into the phone - hello? Don't know :p And one metre from me, he dashed into my arms! :)
4) ZK clinging onto me at bedtime
I was on MC on Monday and had Y put him in bed. He cried when I left the room. The same thing happened last night. I decided to use this week to train him to sleep without me. So today, I let Y put him in bed. But he has learnt from the past two nights! He wanted me to carry him and refused to go down to his bed. Again, little head on me, little hands around me. Love him so much! I carried him for a while, just talking to him, sayang-ing him. He also patted my shoulder. But he was also rubbing his eyes.
I put him down on his bed eventually and made to leave the room. He cried and followed. I asked him to go to his bed. Surprisingly, he started to walk back but knelt at the edge of the bed and just lay there. He looked so tired... I asked him to say goodnight and he didn't respond. Was he angry? :( Y said he was just tired. I kissed him and left the room. He just called out "mama" once and fell asleep real quick.
I love my boys :) And knowing that we have one another made me real happy :)
Updates 10 Jan 2014
Photos from my birthday celebration with the family on Sunday:
We all looked into the camera :)

Looking into another camera with ZK ever so cute and his parents so happy :)

ZK looking happy! :) He likes the birthday song! Sing for us next time, ok..

Let's cut the cake! Mama was obviously a lot more excited about it..

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