I left but turned to look at him. He saw him taking photos and said "mama" once but didn't cry. My brave little boy...
... my brave little boy who is raring to be a man and shave like his Papa! Hello, 十年早いよ *.*

Anyway, I have been slack in uploading his regular pictures.. So here we go..
We went to a play date with some forum mummies at Polliwogs Vivocity in mid December. He had fun on the merry-go-round but I was super giddy *.*

He also enjoys music, actually dancing to

But I love seeing him in that outfit! So 家乡, I thought :p
Even in school, he reached for the radio..

I took some photos of him in IFC the last few times he was there. This is one of my fave - he was walking up the stairs for most days in December but sometimes he would suddenly turn around and sit there, looking cute!

This was sent to me by Teacher D - my boy feeding himself! Now he does that at every meal - when he feels like it. Oh, and when there's a bit of egg on the spoon *.*

Source: Teacher D
We passed by Subway at Star Vista and he saw this. Papa gave him a coin to put into the box but after that he kept touching the statue. Eh, where's my coin??

Put him on the swing one afternoon. He was expressionless throughout but he was reluctant to get down at the end.

One of two of my fave chubby hands :) He sits in his car seat like it's a throne, with his hands on the arm rests. And looking cool.

Y helped put ZK in bed this whole week. Just now she managed to come out while he was awake and he was quiet. But he cried after a while. I didn't want to go in but when I was in the shower, Y couldn't bear it and went in *.* Ah well, we'll see how tmr...
Now, I just hope he has a good sleep tonight.. Cos something important is happening soon, after Sito is done with work - we're booking our next holiday!! :)
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