* Oh, forgive my betrayal on the metric system! I bought the cheapest bathroom scales here, i.e. in pounds only..
Last Friday when Kel asked me to show a picture of me, I said that I had only my usual fats spilling over. On Sunday when we took our weekly belly pictures, I couldn't see any difference from the previous two weeks. On Tuesday, I was wearing my "fat skirt" - I looked pregnant in it even before I got pregnant! - and felt really huge the whole day. At the end of the day when I took everything off after that big dinner, I was quite shocked at my appearance - I actually looked pregnant!!
But it was the food la; the next morning, I was back to looking chubby.
As my lousy scales became a little wonky after I lent it out, I could only estimate that I had gained another four pounds in the past two weeks. And I was right! Just weighed in this morning and just now at two separate appointments with the doctor and the nutritionist. So it's eight pounds in 20 weeks - that's about 3.6 kg. So far so good.
I can still wear all my pre-pregnancy clothes. Except for the jeans - I could not stand wearing them since morning sickness hit and now, I don't intend to try! And I have a lot of loose tops that I can continue to wear for quite a while and maybe the entire pregnancy if I'm lucky. But I've bought a pair of maternity leggings to stand by - gonna freeze if my usual leggings suddenly become too small!
But I noticed depressed marks on my boobs after wearing a bra the whole of Tuesday. (Oops, I've been passing over that piece of clothing at home :p) Strange that I didn't feel the tightness. Think I should wear my other bras that can be used with an extender. No issue with cup size (yet?) cos I wasn't able to fill up those darn things anyway hoho!
Had the detailed foetal assessment on Wednesday. It took a long time cos the sonographer had to measure everything this time. Everything looks normal. Our baby is an estimated 300g now - light than my bottle of water! - with heartbeat at 150bpm. And we saw his face!

So cute right? :) Although to be honest, he probably looks like any generic baby at this stage hoho! But but but, the pose is still cute right? :) Love 3D ultrasound!
It is a little blurred as he was moving so much! He didn't cooperate when we were counting fingers, moving his arms about and keeping his little fists closed most of the time. We have a couple of short videos though, and here's one showing a little hand :)
I love seeing baby on ultrasound, or just hearing his heart beat on the doppler. Sets my heart at ease since I can't feel his movements yet. Since last week, I kept thinking I felt something, especially Wednesday morning when I thought there were four tumbles in the middle and sharp jabs on the left which later become a dull ache. But it could be shit moving through given how much I ate the night before *.* Anyway, I asked doctor about it and she said it could be a FOOT! Well, still waiting for that elusive definite first kick..
Other updates: My fundal height is 21 cm today - my first measurement. It should grow one centimetre every week. And my placenta has moved away from the cervix! No more marginal previa! Yeah! And this morning, doctor checked my cervix physically and said we could resume intercourse! Woohoo! :p
Anyway, we were quite set on going back to deliver until last night.. Mum said that the renovation of their new place will finish only in July. The rental apartment will probably not allow us to keep a wailing baby.. One way around it is for us to move back into HV by early July and have one of them move to the rental apartment. But the more I think about it, the more I don't wish to cram six of us including a newborn in the flat.. So now we're considering staying here until August, SIGHS! Drawing out pros and cons now... To be updated...
In the meantime, a list of some signs that this is indeed *Sito* Jr...
1) I used to avoid sauces while Sito loooves ketchup. Now, I must have lots of ketchup on burgers and chips. When we had ribs on Tuesday, I even poured some extra BBQ sauce..
2) I used to avoid cold drinks unless they were bubble tea and teh-o-kosong-beng while Sito drinks everything cold. Now, I love cold milk, cold Pepsi and most recently, cold water. I've taken to keeping a bottle of water in the fridge so that I can have ready access especially in the middle of the night.
3) I like to sleep like a plank, on my back, while Sito sleeps with his arm or 小臭臭 over his eyes. Baby seems to like to keep his hands around his face - it's the I-wanna-sleep-more pose :)
The only mf-ism he shows is a liking for spicy stuff - I'm really into Tabasco now!
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