It was an eventful weekend. We had Taiwan porridge with Mum at Liang Court on Saturday, with ZK not sleeping but feeding almost through the lunch! Then that evening, we went for a BBQ with the Nottingham group - yes, the all-parents group of friends. We meant to stay only for a short while so that ZK could go back to sleep but we* enjoyed ourselves so much that we stayed until close to 10 pm. Thankfully, ZK was asleep most of the time, waking only to nurse, and, he continued to sleep that night!
* That should include ZK - he was kissed by pretty Mia-jiejie!
Yesterday was Grams' second death anniversary gathering. Almost everyone was telling me to put ZK down, out of the sling! I tried but he woke *.* Tried to nap unsuccessfully after that. We sent Sito to the airport and brought ZK along so no late afternoon nap too. He cried almost all the way back - where's Papa?! Actually he was just hungry and sleepy... But again, thankfully, he slept by 8 plus.
I tried to introduce some kind of routine last week and in the weekdays, he largely followed this, with some switches between adjacent events:
- Wake at about 6 am to nurse
- Poop - his very obvious and consistent poop time; I'll put him down to sleep but he'll wake in minutes to poop!
- Bathe
- Light activity - mobile time while I have breakfast :p
- Story time if he's not hungry yet
- Nurse and pump
- Morning nap by 9-10 am
- (my lunch)
- Nurse
- Afternoon nap by 12-1 pm
- Nurse
- Moderate activity on the baby gym
- Late afternoon nap by 4-5 pm
- (my dinner)
- Nurse
- Light activity - "chatting" or mobile
- Bathe between 6.30 pm and 8 pm
- Massage
- Nurse
- Sleep by 8-9.30 pm, waking between 1.30 am and 3 am to nurse
- Wake to nurse 1.30-2 hours later
- Wake at about 6 am to nurse
Seems good right? But, two problems: he can only nap in my arms or a sling, and he can only sleep by nursing. I don't ming nursing him to sleep at night but it's not sustainable to nap on me all the time!
So today, I thought I should try to wean him off the sling.. And? I failed spectacularly! He ended up catnapping in the morning cos he woke whenever I put him down! Scored two naps in the afternoon - just woke him to nurse before going for my dinner.. Guess I'll just have to make him sleep this way for now..
Shall end this post with some pictures :)
His fine brown hair - no, I didn't sin! My hair is kind of brown too!
I was tired so I took a risk and put him down in the sling. Miraculously, he continued to sleep for quite a while!
On 5 Sep, his eighth week mark, I left his side for a pedicure.. First time I went so far away from him! But he must have grown - that night, he seemed to see the gym mobiles for the first time! He just took a swipe at the bell. (He likes to do the 招财猫 thing with his right hand!)
And yesterday, he saw his reflection for the first time! But I doubt he knew that was him :p
So cute, lifting his head off the floor :)
Oops, he collapsed on his face!
Not happy already!
Taken at the airport yesterday... "Eh, I thought I'm a little dragon?"
In the past week or two, he could also look at us and give us his wide toothless smile! Haven't been able to capture that on camera yet.. He's also talking a lot more these days. Last Saturday morning, he was babbling with Papa - will upload videos at some point..
And finally, the man we're missing now - 奶爸 Sito! Can't wait for Friday!