I brought my laptop home when I returned from office to fetch ZK on Monday. Then I left for office without it on Tuesday!! Ended up returning to work from home. Just as well cos I started feeling ill after lunch. Just past 6 pm, I had diarrhoea and puked my lunch out while on the throne - luckily Y left the mop pail in the toilet to dry off!
Had Y fetch ZK on her own for the first time. I went to bed at 8.30 pm without dinner. Sito called me at 10-ish but I couldn't bring myself up to the laptop to Skype :( It wasn't until 2 am when I started feeling better.
But my stomach remained in a slight knot in the morning so I stayed home. After sending ZK to IFC, I did a bit of work and took a nap until 1 pm. I thought I should have lunch even though I wasn't hungry since I did not have breakfast. But I was wrong. Felt so ill again after lunch!
Nua-ed in bed until 4 pm or so when I started feeling better again, good enough to go fetch ZK. Felt a bit ill along the way again but oh well, better than earlier.. Y made guava juice and a ginger drink that I had for dinner just now; they were supposed to help me feel better. Hope to go to work tmr..
Anyway, these two days, I've been shedding like a snake!

Last Tuesday, I put on this foot mask for four nights in a row - just an hour or so each time - and over the weekend, I started noticing some peeling.
This morning, when sending ZK to IFC, I kept feeling something funny on my left sole. I returned home to find that the skin at the middle of my sole had separated from my foot! If the picture above is not clear, how about this:

I started peeling :p
I know we're not supposed to peel dry skin off. But this is meant to be peeled off cos it's already separated from the rest of the skin!
And I peeled off more than the sole. I found that the skin around the toes were also coming loose so I gave it a rub and they came off!
When I peeled off all loose bits and was satisfied, I walked out from my bedroom to the kitchen to throw out a pile of peeled skin - and was surprised to find the tiles cold on my fresh new skin!
My soles started to become this dry after we returned from the US last year. Perhaps it was nature trying to give me extra protection post-delivery? Anyway, I decided to wear socks to keep out the cold.
Later this afternoon, I took off the socks and found more separated skin! So I started peeling again, and this time, I remembered to take a picture of the pile of peeled skin - yucks! Haha! (Finger for sizing!)

There's still more dry skin which I think should become separated tomorrow. The really dry and hardened part still remains hard after the skin peeled off but I'm very happy already - it's $25 welll spent!
Here's a picture of the difference in dry and fresh skin - my dry skin is not just dry, it's also dirty!!

I resolve to apply moisturiser diligently after this treatment. LS, I will use the image of you moisturising your legs back in Teddy Hall as my motivation to always remember to apply moisturiser!!!
Huh I don't even remember doing that!! Must have gotten lazy coz I have horribly dry and rough feet now too. Also trying to scrub and moisturise diligently now. Let's jia you together!