Wednesday 5 December 2018

Records of mf

Found an old draft about good old mf!

Wearing Sito's screen glasses

I couldn't recognise myself if I had walked right up to myself! Hoho! My eyesight isn't too good now. Might need glasses at some point... 老花眼镜?!

My 10yo running shoes

And my old PE shorts!

Kept so well right? Coz never used much haha!! I started jogging right after our Legoland trip in June, and stopped right after our Legoland trip in September!! So sad. I don't particularly like jogging but it was good sweating it sometimes! And I enjoyed my solo trips to the supermarket etc after the gym. But it was also stressful coz I had to leave Kai and Yang while they were awake, and when I got back, I had to rush work.

I had ulcers and a cold when we got back from Legoland in September. I thought I would hit the pause button for a while but the illness did not go away - I had ulcers in October again and the cold was recurring every few days! After Yu turned two in October, I also started sending him to bed at the same time as his brothers, which meant I could no longer leave the boys awake! Ah well...

Yesterday, I had multiple violent multiple sneezes - the repeated word was no mistake, if you know what I mean! - in the morning at work, despite wearing a jacket. Around noon, I found myself sneezing and sweating at the same time! I couldn't take it and went home to see a doctor. I hope this bad bout of cold marks the peak and the end of this terrible recurrent cold!

Sito and mf sing!

Wow that was some time ago. We found these neat little machines downstairs and went in to sing for 15 min! We sang 菊花台 - it's like our song, our movie :)

Below is a series of photos of my black eye! I dozed off the night of the awards ceremony, 27 Nov, and was rudely awakened by Yu's head falling on my brow bone! He cried for less than a minute while I screamed out in pain for a few seconds!

Right after

Next morning

That evening - the blood was draining downwards!

Three days after impact - super painful brow bone!

It still hurts when I touch my brow bone. Need to be super careful...

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