That was the previous Sunday - no time to log this last week. Arrived at 720am and finished the cross country route by 810am, timing included a wrong start and a toilet trip so..not bad! :)
But that's comparing to myself, cos KF didn't even sweat while I was panting like a pig *.* That guy has zero ounce of fats, as he proudly proclaimed in Avignon or some quaint French town 6+ years ago - and it's amazing that it's still true today!
Anyway, was reminded of that walk from HV to MacRitchie which was accompanied by some strange farting sounds from the trees along Lornie Road. No answer to that mystery yet..
KF had a diving lesson and left. I whipped out my breakfast - peanut butter with overdue wholemeal bread (won't die la! :p) and worked my jaws as I watched aunties and uncles and ahmms and ahpehs taking their morning stroll. One middle-age woman was playing Sudoku at a bench - on paper, tough! I used to play the NTUC version here but it's no longer free..
Energy replenished, I invited myself for a walk - the TreeTop Walk :)
First thing, to the map. Then I happily walked off, passed this sign..

..and turned RIGHT!
Reached the beginning of the Lornie Trail before I realised I had just jogged that way and not seen any sign leading to the TreeTop Walk..
I revisited the sign and cursed out loud *.*
It must be quiet in the forest - not sure cos had my radio on. There weren't too many people around. Walkers/Joggers were commonly in pairs or groups. In fact, I didn't see many sole walkers like myself.
I actually spent so many hours with myself that day! Realised there wouldn't be any solo trip this year like last year so this could count as my 2006 solo adventure :) I was reminded of Samsoon (Yes! My lovely Samsoon!) who went up some mountain in one side-splitting episode.. Recalling Na saying she couldn't spend too much time with some people, I was thinking the worst thing would be that you couldn't spend time with yourself.. Wow.. Revelation..
Didn't speak much during the walk. In fact, I spoke five times between 810am and 230pm.
1) "It's just ignoring us!"

Cute little thing just perched itself on a bit of stone. And posed. Angmoh couple walked by and took pictures too. Super dao monkey.
2) “Uncle,自然保护区是不允许抽烟的!”
I let enough things pass me by while I did nothing about it. This time, I wanted to do something. So after walking away for 5sec, I turned back to tell him off! Next time, I'll wait for smokers to snuff it out before I leave! Hate it when people pollute fresh air!
3) "Um, thank you.."
That was to the kind uncle who offered to take this picture for me when all I wanted was the sign above my head..

And it turned out crooked :p Nevertheless, I was happy with it - finally a picture showing off my 13-year-old Anderson shorts! :p
4) I took a picture for his group as well before chatting with the ranger for a while. 200-500 pass by each weekday, 500-1000 on weekends. The record was a 600-person group that took some hours to cross through! Cos the bridge takes only 30 at a time. "It is a very strong bridge but we limit the number so that it's a more enjoyable walk."
5) "Excuse me.. Where does this lead to?"
Almost thought I was lost at one point.. Cos I saw a sign that read 9.3km. I had no idea if that referred to the length of that trail or the distance covered on that trail - turned out to be the latter. Don't be mistaken, I really enjoyed the walk but I really needed the pee room too :p
Back to the highlight of the walk.. Switched off my radio so I could enjoy the sounds of the forest. The sun was warm on my skin and I took a nice long stroll at canopy level, snapping pictures as I went along..
See this beautiful blue bug! "Ewe! Bug? Beautiful?!" Well, it was far enough to be beautiful..

The tall tree had been installed with a lightning protection system to reduce the risk of being struck..

But the poor tree must have done something wrong.. It looked as if it had been 天打雷劈-ed already!!

After leaving the trail, I decided that with my radio off, I was in a better position to seek a connection with nature without the soapy pop songs. And I also decided that I should be natural since I was so in touch with nature by then (ya, right..) so..I let my tummy out! If you know me, you'll know that I usually keep my tummy in to look thinner *sheepish* But I realised that I seemed to be taking a bigger effort letting it out than keeping it in.. Guess I'm too used to keeping it in..
Saw this old bridge before reaching the end of Lornie Trail.. It read Angie's Bridge or something. Wondering if 81 was the year it was built.. So old! Curious but found nothing on it online..

Was glad I chose not to take the easy way out by turning out onto Lornie Road (and bussing back) cos I saw my 红蜻蜓 along the jungle route!!

Wait, aren't all dragonflies red? :p And is that a baby one? Anyway... “飞呀飞呀!看那红色蜻蜓飞在蓝色天空,游戏在风中不断追逐它的梦……”
It started to drizzle along the way but I was nicely sheltered :)

And found some cute mushrooms along the way..

But the baby monkeys at the end of the planks were way cuter! :)

It was a Sunday morning well spent, better than lazing in! But doubt I'll do the same walk any time soon.. Think my next walk will be 小桂林 :)
I recognised the shorts almost immediately before I read on. Haha.