We were at Morganfield's for ribs. It was very nice! Firstly, the food was good - we ordered this huge plate of meat advertised on the placemats to share. And, kids eat free! So ordered chicken tenders as I wanted him to hold it and eat it on his own. Fish fingers are good too but they tend to be more processed..
Excited over his menu :)

Anyway, we were not disappointed when the food arrived :) ZK's not-so-little plate came first. He looked at it apprehensively, and not too impressed. But he swiftly reached out to grab something - anything!

I gave him a chip to hold and eat. He promptly dropped it! Decided to pinch out the chicken for him instead of letting him hold. But first, off with the breaded portion! Quite pleased to find real chicken fillet inside, and not some processed chicken meat. Even more pleased that ZK was happy to eat them - I guess no kid can resist chips?! After a few pinches of chicken and chips, we gave him another chip to hold. This time, he managed to feed himself! :)

When our food arrived, Sito had the honour of cutting it up and feeding me while I fed ZK :p Quite happy, especially about seeing ZK feed himself and eating chunks of meat instead of the usual mince :)
The waiting staff there were pretty friendly too. ZK dropped his menu many times. Most of the time, Sito picked it up. But a few times, a couple of waiters passing by picked it up. One of them even stopped to play with him. Later, same waiter asked if we were from Hong Kong! Um, strange! He sounded Singaporean but he said he was from Malaysia. We heard a few others who sounded very local too. Quite a surprise not to hear mainland Chinese accent or see visibly foreign wait staff these days..
We had mango frozen yogurt cake after that, yes, including ZK! We tried -18C at the basement - got the idea of getting a frozen yogurt cake from LS as we wanted ZK to get to eat his own cake too. They can't customise a design for us but I think I may get a cake topper instead... See how..
Today, ZK had yet another culinary adventure - shabu shabu! He had rice, dory, tofu and pumpkin :) And later, I thought he could do with some wagyu so I fed him small pieces with my chopsticks :p And then, I thought he should also have some vege so I tore out pieces of xiao bai cai for him :p He also had a tiny bit of matcha icecream and durian crunchy McFlurry minus the crunch!
Now, food aside... ZK had a haircut today, and he was so good about it - he wasn't fussy at all! Now his hair is shorter and neater. By his birthday next month, he will be a 小帅哥 again :)
Oh, but we had such a scare this morning. ZK was on our bed and suddenly he crawled very fast to the edge and dropped over! Luckily Sito caught him! Gee! Just a few minutes ago, he was getting off the bed legs first - what made him so overly excited this time?!
But he had a small achievement at our bed too - he let go and hit his palms against an invisible wall over his head! Once, he promptly held on to the bed. Another time, he fell on his bum. But he was pleased :)
Sito spent some time alone with ZK yesterday as I couldn't be back in time to fetch him from IFC. Seems that he wasn't able to settle very well without me around. But when I was back, he didn't stick to me either; he was quite happy playing with Papa too. I guess he's attached to me in a good way, but I think he needs to be attached to Papa this way too..
Anyway, I couldn't make it back as I was visiting Na - she just had a little girl! :) So sweet! And so tiny! I don't remember ZK being this small almost a year back! He's now more than 9 kg and the IFC measured him at 72 cm a few weeks ago.. Can't wait for him to turn one - not like he will suddenly eat and poop and sleep by himself! But well, it's nice to see your kid grow up :)
PS: I've been lazy uploading photos from my phone to my laptop but I'll do it soon and go back to insert pictures in all the June posts!
For a baby without teeth, ZK is doing very well with the eating!