Anyway, the mask at its smallest size was still too big for ZK. Thankfully, the haze let up over the weekend!
We were supposed to go out for dinner. Sito wanted to try the new ramen place at Star Vista. But when he woke at 4 pm (he had been coming home at 3-4 am most of the past week!), he told me he had to go to office :(
Poor ZK was so bored at home - he hadn't been out the whole day! We used to go grocery shopping or a short walk every Saturday and Sunday morning. Each activity could only hold his attention for a short while. Anyway, I managed to survive and pack him off to bed before ordering McDelivery. I was both sad and happy over dinner, ha!
Very happy to be able to take this picture on Saturday - smiling so happily! :)

He also held my hands and walked forward happily in the morning. So cute to see him walk! A bit like zombie, haha!
Sunday was better, though he was very fussy in the morning. Turned out that he wanted to nap! That was an early but long nap - 8.30 am for two hours! :) But he had a pretty late breakfast. I gave him less cereals than usual else he wouldn't be able to take lunch until 2 pm!
Love seeing him in this outfit - he looks like he's wearing a hipster. So beng beng, with the pockets at the thigh!! Very busy boy in this picture, playing with both the ball and the activity table.

Then he found a paper bag on the table, and he took the masks - Mum got the masks but they were too big for him and he of course wouldn't have any of it! - out of the bag and attempted to put them back in so many times...

Until he got distracted by the string of the bag!

And this boy is good at calling Papa - he said "Papa" and crawled into our room, stood up to look at Sito, and said "Papa" again! But Papa was sleeping... And, eh, he hasn't called me "Mama" to my face for quite a while.. *jealous*
As usual, we had lunch at Mum's place but Sito arrived much later cos he was catching up on sleep as he got home at 3-4 am again :( I was tired too and dozed off, waking to find ZK happily having his lunch :) Then he took a nap. After Sito had his lunch, we left ZK sleeping there and came back to work - his paid work and my unpaid housework!
When ZK came back, we went out immediately to swim spa! He was kicking quite a bit yesterday :) Big boy now :) And dinner was at the new Pu Tien at Vivocity. ZK had so much to eat! Bee hoon, noodles, seaweed, tofu, sweet and sour pork! He also wanted to drink water from my glass. He managed to taste a bit. Slowly, boy, you'll get there :)
Returned to find that home smelled unused, cos the windows were all closed and the aircon was off! Very strange...
Anyway, I worked from home today. Quite shiok cos ZK woke at 5.15 am and I managed to go back to bed after dropping him off at IFC, until 8.20 am when I woke to work in my PJs. And I had a medical appointment in the afternoon, which didn't turn out very well... I'll save that for tomorrow.. Gotta get some work done..
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