He demo-ed the use of this playpen to me - he crawled in through the hole, stood up, posed, and crawled out again. I was told he could unzip the hole himself to get in.

This is random - we saw this huge rabbit at the house near the IFC - it's probably bigger than ZK!

Our gadget boy at his gadget again.. With his bolster which he seems to like bringing everywhere these days. But I now grab him away from the humidifier - he dragged the whole thing now last Friday! Luckily, the water didn't wet him or reach his bed. But I had a hard time cleaning up the mess while trying to keep him away from the water.

Counting ducks :) This was, I believe, the second last time we went to the baby spa. So we bought him a little wearable float - don't know what it's called! Pictures later - and some swim diapers so that we could bring him to public pool after his baby spa expired on 27 Sep 2013.

Took a bus home!

Poor boy was sleepy..

That was the Saturday when we went to the Mid Autumn Festival thing at the atrium across the road, which was also when we got him this little chair from Daiso! We meant it for him to sit down to wear and take off his shoes.
He had difficulty sitting on the chair but now, he's doing quite well, although sometimes he ends up on the floor!
The next day, he took it with him everywhere!

Sitting at his activity table - I like :)

Tried to go to the baby spa again on Sunday but it was too crowded so we let him sit on kiddy rides for free :p

Papa couldn't fit into the ride ^.^

Also let him walk about..
He had a good dinner, followed by some cantaloupe! Mama had a lot of those when you were inside my belly :)

Why? Why so cute?!

Fast forward to the next weekend...
We took a bus to Plaza Sing and just as the bus pulled into our destination bus stop, he saw the jelly babies from the bus and pointed excitedly! We let him touch...
We didn't realise it then but that was our last trip to the baby spa... Is that why you're sad, baby?

Sunday breakfast was at Wendy's. I thought he looked like me in this photo! Check out the eyes.. But then, this isn't his cutest look.. Look like me = not cute?! :(

He carried this little basket on his arm, like how I carried my bag *.*

Oh, I MUST talk about the yellow car in the corner of the picture! Nvm that it belts out a noisy Gangnam Style, it also has a figurine of Psy emerging from the red cover of the convertible every few seconds! I find it quite disturbing *.* But he seems to like it, especially pushing down the red cover or pulling at the head! Ok, the second part is quite disturbing too :p
Papa went jogging so Mama brought ZK to the playground - this was the first time he was able to run freely at a playground!

Last Tuesday, something funny happened. I was wheeling his stroller to IFC in the morning and he was babbling. Suddenly, I heard something different - he was using his falsetto! Didn't know what he was talking about but it sounded so funny :)
Saw his art work air-drying at the window last Thursday :) Little handprints!

Papa couldn't come home last weekend so we hanged out with Ah-Ma last Saturday. No more baby spa but we went to Vivocity anyway last Saturday, to grab some stuff at Daiso and to walk walk. He was staring intently at something in Daiso...

That's my sleeping baby - his ear is quite prominent here!

After three or four nights of sleeping straight through to 6 am and beyond, he woke at 4 am on Saturday. I was hoping he would fall back into his bed after sitting up, but no, I saw him get off his bed soon after so I had to intervene.. He didn't sleep again until past 5 am, yawns...

Anyway, I'm on leave today and tomorrow. We're officially employers from today! Our FDW will arrive soon.. Well, we're keeping our fingers crossed! Hope she is good...