We started with lunch at Carnivore at MBS yesterday - ate a lot of meat! And there was a one-for-one promotion so it was only $40 for the both of us, yeah!

Tried to check in earlier than 3 pm but were told that if we waited a bit longer, we could get a room on a higher floor so we waited - we were given temp cards so that we could access the Skypark where we stayed for some 45 min. Then we got our room - 2317!
The room was nice!! It was half the size of our flat but bigger than our current temp apartment. And this is the day view from our balcony :)

After cleaning up cos I came straight from pilates, we went to the pool! Here's Sito up against the infinity pool - my husband!!! :)

There are similar shots of me but let me show you this instead - don't I look like Gloria from Madagascar?! Haha!

And then we decided to bring our new camera into the pool - after all, I only walked in the water :p

And my belly again, with my blue pedicure peeking out from below :p Oh, doc said I could wear any pedicure into the labour ward, yeah!

This patch of green was where Sito did his epic proposal in 2008 :)

Isn't Sito cute? Like a bear hanging off a tree :) Anyway, that's what's off the edge of the pool..

We went for the jacuzzi for a short while - him all in, me just the feet :) - before returning to our room to freshen up and watch Despicable Me on HBO!
Us, all freshened up and ready for dinner!

Our journey to Marina Sq was, um, interesting.. We took the MRT from Bayfront to Promenade to change to the other Circle Line train to Esplanade. But somehow we found ourselves back at Bayfront!! Turned out that two trains share the same stupid Platform B!!
Anyway, dinner was seafood hor fun for him and thunder tea beehoon for me at the Marina Sq foodcourt, followed by ice cold shaved ice dessert! And here's a trivial on this strange thing called sea coconut - it really is some kind of coconut! *sua gu*
Then we went searching for the Helix Bridge and of course we found it! :) So pretty!

We saw some letters on the ground and after a while, Sito realised that they were some chemistry base pairs! Of course he knew the exact terms but I don't :p

Oh, I neglected to mention that we packed some Long John Silver's and bubble tea from Marina Sq :p
Had some tourist help us take a photo :)

We went to the Skypark again but the pictures didn't turn out as nice as in the day so we went back to watch more HBO and have our snacks :)
But I managed to get some nice pictures from our balcony - night views. The gardens look very "alien"...

The next day, we nua-ed in bed and requested for an additional hour before check-out. We both had a headache from the pillows :( But otherwise, the bed was more comfy than the current one in Kembangan...
After lunch at Ding Tai Fung, we went walking around a little. This was taken right outside the ArtScience Museum, which was also shaped like a lotus. Lotus - 出污泥而不染 - so all around is mud la? :p

Our babymoon ended when it was time to go to Gleneagles. We were a bit early and got some Mr Bean! :d ("d" cos Mr Bean's tongue turns upwards haha!)
So everything is fine. Baby is growing big - 3283g now! - and his head remains way bigger! But doc said if his head circumference stays under 36 cm, natural birth should be ok, and the chance of his head circumference going beyond that should be slim...
My cervix is still going strong although it's slightly thinner than in May. Maybe that's why I keep feeling sharp pains. Last Thursday, I had so much pain while walking that I had to sit down..
We also discussed about pedicures :) and pain relief. Doc assured me that he worked with good anaesthetician so I should not worry about horror stories about epidural. Well, I think I will know whether I
But baby wasn't very cooperative today - we could see him move his mouth today but we could not see his face clearly on 3D cos he was very close to (the inside of) me! Poor papa! Nvm, we're going back next week again :) Weekly from now!